Chapter 48

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The next morning, I followed Shannon down to the lobby, where Jared was already waiting for us. As soon as he saw me, he smiled and stepped a little closer. "Carrie, I'm sorry if I upset you last night, but it needed to be talked about. I truly didn't mean to come across as rude or disrespectful to you in any way. So, for that, I'm sorry."

I glanced at him before quickly averting my eyes and focusing on the grand entrance of the extravagant hotel. "Mm hum." I knew that I sounded bitchy, bratty even, but I just wished that if he had an issue with me, he'd talk to me as if I were his girlfriend rather than one of his employees. Shannon must have recognized my annoyance, because when Jared spun around to walk out to the car, he smiled and nudged my shoulder.

"Come on rebellious ass, let's go." His comment made me laugh a little as I quietly followed behind him.

I slid across the seat to sit between the two of them and rested my hands in my lap. I was still kind of upset with Jared because he sounded as if he blamed only me for the stupid photos. Shannon was just as guilty, but he certainly wasn't upset with his brother. Jared leaned a little closer. "You look beautiful as always."

Continuing to stare straight ahead, I smiled. "Thanks."

Leaning even closer, he spoke directly into my ear. The warmth of his breath sent a shiver down my spine. "Come on, Carrie, don't be upset with me. I know that I should have handled it better, and I did apologize. I promise to approach you differently if I need to speak to you about something. What do you say, can we forget about all this and have a fun day, please?" His hand moved against my palm and his fingers wrapped around mine.

I knew I couldn't stay mad at him for long and nodded my head. Perhaps I should just let it go. Everyone has a bad day every now and again. I turned to look at him and I wanted to kiss him, but knew it would be a mistake. "I'd like that."

My attention was pulled away as Shannon's hand rested on my leg, squeezing gently. I could tell that he was trying to get my attention. Looking up at him, he nodded, pleased with my decision to let it go. His sweet smile made my heart beat faster. These men would be the death of me, a slow, but pleasurable death indeed.

We went out for coffee and donuts, since none of us had even bothered to eat breakfast at the hotel. After that, we decided to go visit a few places Jared promised to take me, but never did.

Spending the day with the two of them made me realize just how crazy in love with both of them I really was. Each had their own hold on my heart and I grinned to myself, thinking of how many women would be envious of my situation.

"Carrie, would you please join me for dinner tonight?" Jared asked, holding my hand for the ride back to the hotel. Shannon sat quietly next to me, scrolling through the photo's on his phone.

Dinner sounded nice, and I knew that Jared only wanted to make sure I wasn't still harboring any bad feelings. Our little reunion had been great, but my only complaint was that I wished he would open up a little more to me. "Of course I will. What time and where are we going?"

He gave me that classic mischievous grin as he responded. "Seven and nowhere. I just thought that we could stay in, if that's okay with you. I know that I upset you last night and maybe we could talk some more about it. We really don't need an audience for that."

"No, we don't. Seven sounds great." The conversation shifted to their upcoming shows. The two of them were busy talking about wanting me to come to a show soon. The thought of seeing them play and being around their crew again, made me a little nervous. It was awkward to pretend that I was only a friend. What if I slipped up when I thought nobody could see us? What if someone asked me a question?

After spending time in Shannon's suite getting ready, he walked me to Jared's room and told me that he had made previous plans and would be out for the night. He hugged and kissed me before walking back down the hallway and out of sight. I had a little time to relax before getting myself ready and by seven I was seated with Jared at a rather large table inside his suite.

He was extra handsome tonight, which I was pleased to see. Just the idea that he took his time to dress up for me made me feel so special. I was also surprised to find out that he already ordered for me, but even more so when I found out it was exactly what I would have ordered myself. "Thank you for coming, I'm glad to have some alone time with you."

Moving closer, he pushed the hair off my shoulder. "I'm really sorry about the attitude last night, I shouldn't have come at you that way."

"It's okay," I really wasn't mad anymore. "I'm over it." His fingers trailed along my bare shoulder, along the edge of the strap of my blue dress.

I smiled at the way his eyes seemed to sparkle when he looked at me. "Let me make it up to you."

Intrigued, I crossed my legs and sat back in my seat. "What did you have in mind?"

That wicked grin reappeared and he pulled a silk cloth from his pocket. "May I?"

A blindfold.. sure, why not. "Alright."

Covering my eyes, he moved behind me and pulled it tighter. Once it was firmly in place, he took my hand to help me stand. I was expecting him to lead me away from the table, but instead, he whispered in my ear. "Just a second." The sound of glass clinking together told me that he was moving our dishes from dinner. Seconds later, he lifted me and sat me on the table. Soft fingertips grazed my flesh as he pulled the straps of my dress down. I nervously licked over my bottom lip when he moved in front of me. "Give me your hands, please." Holding them out in front of me, something tightened around my wrists and I knew it had to be a rope. "Lie back with your arms over your head, Carrie."

I felt so silly laying across a table, blindfolded, almost naked, and unsure of what he had planned. His hand moved up the inside of my thigh and I wasn't completely sure, but I could swear I felt his warm breath on my leg. I realized that he must have been kneeling between my legs. The gentleness of his teeth biting on the inside of my leg was making me crazy, but I was confused when I felt drops of something hot falling onto my breasts. Leaning up, I struggled to pull the blindfold down. I wasn't sure who to look at, Jared standing next to me, holding a candle, or Shannon kneeling between my legs.

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