Chapter 33

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"You are very welcome, and I promise to be on my best behavior tonight." God, I didn't know whether to be insulted by that or not.

Sitting across from Shannon, I wasn't sure where to focus my attention. He was extra handsome tonight, but this view of the city was absolutely breathtaking. This was the sweetest thing any guy had ever done for me. Well, this, and Jared's visit while I was in Vegas. It's funny, one of their rules was no competition, but you'd swear that Shannon was playing to win. "Are you always this sweet to the girl you're seeing?" I asked, taking another small sip of champagne and again reminding myself this will be my last glass.

"I can be anything you want me to be, and can I say once more just how stunning you are in that dress? Tell me, you ever wear that dress for my brother?" He gave a very vague response to my question. Even though he went out of his way to pick this beautiful spot, there was a certain overconfidence in his tone. It was almost as if he knew how fantastic he looked, well, and then there's dinner, he kind of went all out. The food was so delicious and I could watch him eat all day long. The way his mouth moved and his little facial expressions that were there one minute and gone the next had me mesmerized.

"No, Jared's never seen it." I sighed, instantly feeling that pang of guilt wash over me.

"Mmm, what a shame he had to miss seeing you in it." His comment, and that little twitch in his lip transformed him from someone cold, into someone I wished I knew better. We had been together a few times, but I didn't know how he really was on the inside and I was curious as hell to find out more.

"Thank you, but back to my question, when I asked if you were always sweet, I meant do you ever get rough, like in the bedroom." God, I could feel my face redden as I asked the question that had literally been on my mind since the first time he kissed me. "You don't have to answer that, I'm just kidding." What the fuck was happening to me? I was so embarrassed for asking and could feel my hands actually beginning to shake.

The grin that spread on his face let me know he was enjoying watching me squirm. He took a sip from his glass and leaned forward. "Like I said, I can be gentle and treat your body like a fragile piece of glass, or, I can make whatever my brother does to you seem like foreplay." Pointing his finger at me, he licked his lips. "You should be very careful what you ask for, you don't know anything about the side of me you have yet to see."

As if I weren't already squirming in my seat, my mind was now racing. Make what Jared did look like foreplay? Was that even remotely possible? God, this man was crazy! Clearing my throat and adjusting my dress, I picked up my glass. He watched me closely as I sipped my champagne and placed the nearly empty glass down in front of me. "So, I gotta know, what made you guys decide to have a relationship with one woman? I mean, it's not your average, everyday arrangement."

He straightened his blazer and glanced away, looking down at the city lights. "Jared and I have both been screwed over in the past, and I trust him completely. Let's face it, sometimes people cheat, but how could a woman juggle more than two men? If she's occupied all the time with one of us, there's less chance she will even have time for another man." Sitting all the way back, he smiled. "He and I are a lot alike and at the same time, a great deal different. Perhaps I have some qualities that he doesn't and vice versa. I can promise you this, I'd never ever hurt my brother and as long as everyone is honest in this relationship, there won't be a problem."

The love he had for his brother was amazing and I sort of understood what he meant. I had another question, but was a bit hesitant to ask. Taking my last sip of liquid courage, I took a deep breath and jumped off the deep end. "Can I ask another question?

Smiling sweetly he nodded his head. "You can ask me anything, Carrie."

"What, uh, what would you consider us to be, like our relationship, what is our title?" I knew they said it was a relationship, but what exactly does that mean?

"You my dear, are my girlfriend. Is that comfortable enough for you, or would you like me to call you something else?" He reached across the table, holding my hand up to his mouth and gently kissed it.

"No, girlfriend is great, I like that." We sat there, peacefully watching the world move below us. Crossing my arms across my chest, I sat up. "One more question, if you don't mind and then I'll stop. "Would you consider yourself to be dominant in the bedroom?" He talked a great game, but his brother was the real deal for sure and I couldn't stop thinking about what he said earlier about making what Jared did seem like foreplay.

His mischievous grin sent a chill down my spine and he leaned across the table. "Just because I dressed up and did this for you, don't think for a second that I won't toss this shit to the ground and fuck you right here on this table. Unfortunately, for me, that's for another time, but this evening, I promised to be a complete gentleman and you are my princess. Savor it while it lasts because I don't always do sweet and respectable. Now, are you ready to get the fuck out of here, beautiful?"

I pushed my chair backward and stood up. Shannon wrapped his blazer around me and took my hand, leading me to the car. Maroon 5 played on the radio as he drove to my apartment. "Dinner was fantastic and the view, wow Shannon! Do you take all of your dates there?"

I could tell from the way he rolled his hazel eyes and half bit his lip that he probably had. "No, I do not take all of my dates there. For your information, I did this specifically for you."

My heart pounded so hard in my chest I swore he heard it. "Awww, that's so sweet."

"I have my moments." We arrived back at my apartment and I fully expected him to initiate sex. However, I couldn't have been more wrong. He came inside and sat down on the couch, holding my hand and telling me how much of a good time he had at dinner. I pulled his jacket from my shoulders, giving him the go ahead to kiss me. He tossed it next to him and didn't disappoint.

His lips softly caressed mine as his hand slipped around the back of my neck, pulling me closer. He had to know that once he began kissing my neck, any resistance I may have had would instantly be gone. Fuck, I wanted him. Shannon's hand ran through my hair, as his kisses became harder and more urgent.

His big, strong hand slid down my back, stopping at my waist and drawing me closer. He was making me wait for it and I almost couldn't take it. "You smell so fucking good." Wet lips brushed against mine when he spoke and I moved even closer, forcing my body against his. The kiss was passionate and I groaned into his mouth, silently begging him to touch me, but still he did nothing. What the fuck was he waiting for?

Screw it, I'll start it. When the kiss ended, I bit down on his chin and started sucking on his neck. Unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt, I kissed my way a little lower. This definitely got a rise out of him and he pinned me against the couch. Before long, we were full on making out on the couch, touching and caressing each other to the point of madness.

His fingers wrapped around the front of my throat and he forced my head to the side. The second his teeth made contact with my neck, I lost all rational thought. I was absolutely consumed by his promise of making what Jared did seem like foreplay.

Unfortunately, just as I thought clothes were going to come off, he kissed my lips one last time and stood up. "It's late and I better go home."

I sat there, panting and looking upward at him in utter shock. My panties were soaked and I wanted him so badly right then. Did I do something wrong? I was confused and positive that the disappointment was written all over my face. "Seriously?"

Holding out his hands, he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth. "Walk me to the door." I took his hands, but couldn't miss the arousal perfectly outlined in his tight pants, so why the hell was he leaving?

"I had a great night, but I promised to be a gentleman and that's just what I'm going to do. Have a great night, Carrie." One more kiss was all he gave me before walking to his car.

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