Chapter 46

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After finishing my ice cream, Shannon put his hand on the lower part of my back and led me out of the restaurant. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he walked next to me out to the waiting car. I could hear the sound of a text coming in from my small bag and as I slid across the back seat, I pulled it out to read. It was a photo from Josh of the job he had been working on, and it was absolutely perfect. My body relaxed even more as Shannon's hand immediately moved to my leg, firmly squeezing as he moved his body next to mine. "I think you enjoyed yourself this afternoon."

I shoved the phone away, unable to quit smiling. All was perfect and I couldn't be happier. His palm slid against mine as he took my hand and I leaned my head against his shoulder. "Of course, I love having dinner with my two favorite men."

I assumed we were going back to the hotel, but Shannon suggested we catch a movie. Arriving at the theater, he climbed out to wait for me. Confused, I walked ahead with him following directly behind me. He didn't seem to give a damn if anyone saw us together as he playfully nudged his hip against mine and took my hand.

We stood there, reading the titles and giggling at how ridiculous some of them sounded. I rarely had time to go to a movie theater much less watch television at home these days, so I had no idea what any of them were about.

Eventually, after being interrupted nearly a dozen times by fans who had recognized him and wanted a photo, we made a choice, a horror flick. Approaching the ticket window, he bought the tickets and we entered the building.

He asked if I wanted popcorn, but I was still stuffed from dinner. We walked through the maze like hallways to find our movie. We climbed the stairs and chose a spot all the way in the back. It had been way too long since I'd last been out to a movie and my brain tumbled back to my teen years. Meeting a boy at the movies to avoid him getting the third degree from my father. Ah, those were the days..

Neither of us were impressed with the gory film, but we stayed until the pathetic end. It was nice to be able to do normal things and have fun once in a while.

We caught a cab back to the hotel and I was expecting him to shove me against the wall as soon as we entered his room, but he didn't. Instead, he held the door open for me like a gentleman. He pulled his jacket off, tossing it onto the chair near the window. It was nice and cool in his room and I moved to the window to check out the view. It was almost like Jared's.

"It's been a long day!" He laid down on the mattress, stretching out on his back.

Walking away from the window, I kicked my heels off and lay next to him, both of us staring up at the ceiling. "It has! I can't believe our little vacation is almost over. Damn, and you just got here."

He frowned and pulled the pillow down, shoving it under his head. "Maybe I'll have to kidnap you and take you somewhere all by myself."

"No kidnapping necessary, I'd willingly go, especially now that I know Josh can handle things on his own." Turning my head to stare at him, I smiled. "I had fun with you today."

He leaned over, hovering over me and pressing his forehead against mine. "I had fun too." Reaching up to cup my jaw, his lips covered mine in a fiery kiss.

When we pulled apart, I began to speak, but he put his finger over my lips and reach into the little nightstand drawer. "I have something for you. He pulled something out and I bit my lip when I realized it was a black velvety box, much like the one Jared gave me. "I got you a little surprise."

Sitting up slowly, Shannon scooted me between his legs so that I lay back against his chest and his arms slipped around me. Holding the box in front of my face, he slowly opened it up.

Inside was a beautiful black and white diamond infinity bracelet, and it matched the necklace I was wearing. Shannon pulled it from the box and draped it over my wrist, clasping it closed.

"So, you guys shop together?"

"Not always, but this time we did."

I stared at the bracelet, running my finger over it. "Thank you, it's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." He kissed the side of my head and we settled on the mattress, just cuddling and chatting about where we'd like to go on our own trip. Eventually I fell asleep in Shannons arms, much sooner than I liked, but the sound of a door closing in the distance woke me. It was coming from the balcony, I realized as my eyes slowly opened. I stood and walked over to the curtains and looked out to see both Shannon and Jared sitting in the dark. Their voices were low, but I could make out some of what was being said.

"We knew that a rule was bound to be broken at some point, but fuck Shannon, use your head." The soft whisper from Jared got my attention. Rule, what rule was broken? Shannon whispered something back, but he was further away and it was hard to make out what he said. "Shan, you know damn well that won't happen." Shannon's laughter followed the remark.

"This is a lot harder than I thought it would be, us sharing her like this." That time I heard Shannon. They had feelings for me, but were they starting to have second thoughts? Panic set in and I opened the door, staring at them both.

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