Chapter 5

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After an awkward greeting, we left for dinner. Shannon's hand rested on the small of my back as he helped me into the passenger side of the car, and then climbed in the back seat. When we were all buckled up, Jared pulled away from his driveway and headed toward the restaurant, making small talk along the way.

They told me about the band, how they had progressed and I confessed to listening to some of their new album. The conversation eventually switched from their music, to my life and career.

Jared seemed genuinely intrigued with my profession, asking questions, and telling me about his taste. He loved the artsy decor and Shannon commented that he was more into the antique style. They were so different, but at the same time, very similar.

Shannon leaned up to my seat and cleared his throat. "If your seat is up too far, you can feel free to move it back." The scratchy, soft moan coming from his throat, sent a shiver down my spine.

Jared glanced over at me and then back at the road. "Carrie, sweetheart, how is that you don't have a boyfriend? I can imagine men would hire you simply to get to know you."

I tilted my head to the side, cringing at the memory. "Actually, that did happen to me once and I ended up getting a restraining order. Thankfully, it was an isolated incident. I am seeing someone.. well, I was. AJ and I haven't exactly officially broken up, but it isn't serious anyway." Sighing, I clasped my hands together. "Let's not talk about him."

Shannon's hands firmly massaged my shoulders. "Well, babe, welcome to the single life. You can fuck who you want, when you want, and not have to answer to anyone. It's great." What was happening here? Was he really flirting with me in front of Jared? I glanced over at Jared, who was paying attention to the road, and acting as if this was normal..

I was relieved when we arrived at the restaurant and Jared got out, strutting around to open my door. He extended his hand for mine. "Thank you."

Shannon graciously opened the door for me at the restaurant. "After you, beautiful." The thickness of his voice vibrated throughout my body and the three of us were seated almost instantly. Shannon sat to my right and Jared to my left. It was Shannon who ordered the wine and it took me by surprise how Jared let his big brother take charge of everything. It was so opposite of how they used to be.

Jared brought up old times with Sara and we all laughed about the way that she and Shannon fought. Shaking my head in disbelief at how much time had passed, I smiled at Jared. "It's amazing to see how far you guys have come. Last I saw you two, you were pursuing this career, somewhat famous, and now you're both so successful. It's truly inspiring."

"It's always nice to hear people say that, even though they are usually fans." Jared sipped on the water in front of him.

"But when it comes from someone like you, it means a lot." Shannon placed his hand on mine. The night was going extremely well, but he seemed adamant to know more about my private life, while Jared kept questioning to a minimum.

Changing the subject, Jared began showing me pictures of his favorite art pieces. I pulled my phone out, handing it over to Jared and allowing him to scroll through some of the photos of my work. "Who's this?"

"You went too far. That's AJ." It was hard to avoid rolling my eyes, and Jared didn't seem impressed with the photo I snapped of AJ from around Christmas time anyway. I thought we were getting closer when I met his family, but lately things seemed to have gone downhill. "I'd love to see some of the art work you've collected sometime." I added, hoping to get off the subject of AJ.

"Of course, I'd love that. Perhaps we can do that tonight." We carried on light conversation for the remainder of our time at the fancy restaurant. I could only imagine how expensive it was, but they knew Jared on a first name basis, and I was certain he was a frequent customer.

The ride back to Jared's seemed to be much faster than the ride to the restaurant and I had to admit, I had a great night. Shannon made some coffee and offered to give me a tour of the house while Jared was busy with an important call. I dropped my purse down on the couch and followed him into the kitchen. Leaning closer, he whispered against my ear. "This room is completely useless to my brother, he burns everything you know, so if he ever offers to cook for you, run." He smelled amazing and his gorgeous eyes were intense, but I was focused on that tongue that kept darting across his lower lip. With ease, he placed his hand on my hip, "I've heard, and I'm sure you can attest that whatever skills my little brother tends to lack in the kitchen, he makes up for elsewhere." He advanced toward me and I backed up into the counter. "I'm not lacking in anything. I'd love to have you over at my place one night and show you just how skilled I really am." His voice was deep... It cut right through me, making me clench my thighs together. What the fuck was happening here? His eyes focused on mine, and for some reason I had a hard time looking away.

I bit my bottom lip, "Is this the end of the tour?"

I was sure he was going to let me off the hook when my hands began to visibly shake. "No, it's only the beginning." He moved to the side and let me slide past him. His hand ran over my lower back and down to my ass just as I crossed the threshold into the next room. A low whimper escaped my lips and I heard him giggle.

Jared finally rejoined and finished up the tour. I was relieved that he was less flirty as his brother. Eventually, we returned to the couch and Jared sat next to me, placing his hand on my thigh, but made no move to kiss me. "I had fun tonight, thank you for coming. Catching up with you means more to me than you know." The blueness of his eyes seemed to pull me in and I couldn't help but feel the strong attraction that was still there between us all these years later.

"I agree, it was wonderful to see you again, Carrie. Please don't let so much time pass until our next visit." Shannon added, from across the room.

Picking up my purse, I slowly stood up with Jared right behind me. "I'll walk you out." He put his arm around my waist and walked with me to my car. I didn't know what to think about the way Shannon acted tonight, but I couldn't deny the attraction to him, to both of them.

Standing there for a moment, Jared looked into my eyes. When he kissed me, it was like my brain was lit on fire and warmth spread through my body. "Goodnight, Carrie. I'd really like to see you again."

"I'd like that Jared." I watched Shannon walk out past the gate and the low streetlights cast a shadow down on him. He looked so rugged, strong, and mysterious, and I knew right then that I was in for it with these two. He waved and then shoved his hands in his pockets as his brother backed away. I drove home in shock, not expecting to Shannon to be part of our evening and certainly not expecting to find myself so attracted to him.

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