Chapter 43

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Wednesday evening, I was getting ready to go out while waiting for Jared to finish the important call he had taken at the last minute. Shannon was flying in the next day and would be keeping me company while Jared attended a meeting. The past few days had been so relaxing and I planned to savor what was left of my mini vacation. "Carrie." Standing in front of the mirror, I checked myself one last time and could hear my name being called. I was wearing the new black dress that I had bought on our shopping trip.

Entering the bedroom, he waited for me to spin around and face him. When I did, he traced his finger along my chin as he looked into my eyes. "You do remember the rules, right?"

"No hand holding or kissing in public." I replied with a grin, but the truth was it still offended me. Imagine a grown woman being told she has to abide by rules regarding her relationship. I was well aware that people partake in much stranger arrangements than the one I was currently involved in, and they had rules to follow as well, but I was still annoyed.

Both of his hands travelled to my waist as he leaned in to kiss my red lips. "Good girl, and make sure you walk behind me. We'll be alone inside and can relax and enjoy ourselves, but until then, it has to appear that you're only a friend. I'm sorry it has to be this way, but I'm just trying to protect your reputation."

Honestly the last thing on my mind was my fucking reputation. What about my feelings? Frowning, I nodded and pulled away from him.

"Come on Carrie, don't be that way."

Picking up my phone, I slipped it into my tiny bag. "It's fine, really. I understand."

Stepping closer, he narrowed his eyes. "You're upset and it shows."

"I said that I understood, that doesn't mean I have to like it." I could be a whiny, pouty bitch when offended and truly didn't mean to take it out on him, but sometimes I just couldn't stop myself.

He sighed, folding his arms. He looked so sexy tonight and I hated to ruin our evening with my pettiness. The last few days had been absolutely perfect. "I'm sorry." His apology was genuine enough, but it didn't make me feel any better.

"I know." I took his hand and pulled him with me to the door. "It's just one of those things. Let's get out of here, we can talk about it later."

By the time we made it to the restaurant the sun had almost completely disappeared from the sky. Beams of orange and red broke through the skyscrapers of the city to provide a beautiful sight for our little walk.

Jared walked ahead of me, inside our destination and I followed shortly behind. Taking our seats in the restaurant, I noticed that it was dimly lit by the flames of burning candles. From the light of the flame to the darkness of the surroundings, we sat in almost total seclusion.

Even though the restaurant was empty, our seats were in a small, intimate section, and the only people present were the staff. Jared sat across from me with the biggest smile on his face as his foot slowly tapped mine to capture my attention.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled a small box from his pocket and put it down on the table between us. It was roughly the size of a deck of cards, jet black and velvety. His smile was loving, yet mischievous, but his beautiful blue eyes sparkled in the candle light.

"What's this?" My question only made his grin spread wider.

"I just got you a little something to remind you that even when I'm not around, I'm still thinking about you." Picking up the box, he held it in front of me and opened it. Inside was a beautiful infinity necklace.

Jared had good taste, it was simple and had meaning to it. He actually put some time into choosing it and I was touched by the sweet gesture. "I love it, but don't feel like you have to buy me anything. I'm not one of those spoiled women who has to have her man buy her expensive jewelry all the time, just to prove that he loves her."

He unclasped the necklace and nodded for me to turn around, "Good, because I'm not a man who feels the need to express my love by buying expensive things instead of just saying I love you. I do love you Carrie, and it's my prerogative if I choose to buy you nice things." He was on his feet instantly, securing the necklace around my neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." I was also in love with Shannon, and I sat there wondering if he knew that. Would he feel weird about it, I know I did. How can you love two people the same way? Was it fair to any of us to feel this way?

It was as if he knew precisely what I was thinking and placed his hand over mine. "It's fine, I get it. We have an odd arrangement, but I'm fine with it." Before I was able to gather my thoughts and respond, the waiter came over to take our order.

I took a few sips of my wine and listened to him order his food and then ordered my own. When we were alone again, he started talking about his meeting the next day and how I'd be spending time with Shannon. I was excited to see my other lover, but had no intention of talking about him when we were together. This was our final night alone and I wanted to focus on us.

Dinner was awesome, as was the time spent with Jared. Eventually we arrived back at the hotel and it was very late. The elevator ride up to the room was filled with gentle touches and sensual caresses.

His delicious scent and tenderness made me melt. Jared kissed along my neck as his fingers slowly moved down my back. My hand found its way into his long hair, tugging with every nip of his teeth. I wanted more and I wanted it now.

Exiting on the tenth floor, he pulled me toward our suite. It took almost no time at all for my dress to end up on the floor inside of our room.

Twisting around to face him, I started on the buttons of his black shirt, and sliding the silky, sheer material down his arms. I watched his eyes travel down my body. "Babe, can you go kneel at the end of the bed for me. Please?"

I did exactly as he asked and when he stood in the exact same spot not moving, I turned my head back to look at him. He took a few steps forward, pushing his pants down his hips and stepping out of them, but I hung my head in frustration when I saw he was walking away from me. He went over to his bag and retrieved the box of magnums. Pulling out one packet, he then tossed the box on top of the suitcase and stepped closer to me.

"Do you have any idea how fucking gorgeous you are right now?" He whispered, gliding his hand over my ass and through the wetness between my shaky legs.

Just as I was enjoying his fingers moving inside of me, they were gone, leaving me feeling hollow and desperate. I could hear the soft sighs coming from his throat as he gave himself a few strokes against my overheated flesh. Emitting a sigh, I could hear the familiar sound of the foil wrapper being torn open. The anticipation was nearly too much for me and I couldn't stop myself from looking back at him.

His smooth hands moved over my ass and around my hips. Flinching, I waited for the harsh smack that never came, instead he was being extra gentle tonight. Moving even closer, he guided himself into me and we both groaned in unison, feeling my body stretching around him. He proceeded slowly at first, but gained momentum as he set a steady rhythm.

Jared pulled me upright forcing my back against his chest. His arm slid around my body, holding me tightly against him. As much as I liked it when he was a little rough, I loved it even more when he was gentle. He finally let me fall forward. Everything seemed to be happening extremely fast. I moved with him, pushing myself back against him as my release eventually claimed me. All worries about the future vanished for the moment and I was lost in pleasure.

Jared's fingers were digging into my hip while the fingers on the other hand twisted into the back of my hair. He began thrusting roughly into me as his body raced toward climax. With a loud gasp, he let out a muffled moan and his body stilled.

I moved to slip between the sheets while he tossed the condom. He returned and climbed into bed next to me, snuggling against me and kissing along my shoulder. I was so tired and fell asleep almost instantly.

When my eyes finally opened the next morning, I smiled, realizing that I didn't even change positions during the night. With my back to him, I began to move, feeling warmth behind me. Scooting back, I pressed myself against him. "Morning handsome, what time is it?" I fumbled with my phone on the nightstand.

"Oh good, you're up. I've missed you sweetheart." Shannon's voice caught me off guard and I sat upright, shooting him an annoyed look. He was fully clothed and lying on top of the sheet with his arms behind his head and one leg crossed over the other. "Jared had to leave early and asked me to take you out for breakfast this morning."

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