Chapter 20

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When I arrived at Shannon's house the next day, I was thankful that he had company. It certainly made it a lot easier for me to avoid him. Still, I felt awkward as hell when he introduced me to his friend and couldn't help but question if this person noticed the way Shannon and I looked at each other. I gave my best fake smile and excused myself out the front door to wait for the furniture delivery.

My plan was to get everything in place and get out as quickly as possible. I couldn't bear to look him in the eye after yesterday without feeling the same guilt and anger. My nerves were on edge just knowing that I would be seeing Jared tonight after what took place yesterday.

I'm not certain how long I had been pacing back and forth when the truck finally showed up. As the pieces were carried inside, I had them positioned where I wanted them. Shannon and his friend had gone to another room, allowing me the time I needed to get things set up.

I had to walk down the hallway to get into the bedroom and I stopped and stared at the exact same spot I was on my knees in the day before. Letting out a deep breath, I could hear Shannon's voice coming from the bedroom.

Straightening myself up, I walked into the bedroom as the delivery guys moved Shannons bedroom furniture down the hallway. I stood in the corner of the room, watching the bed being placed against the wall. It was massive when compared to the bedside tables.

I could sense him looking at me and ignored the opportunity to glance back. Rearranging a few things, I was simply trying to keep myself busy. I turned around and my eyes met his, but quickly looked away as the last items we agreed on were brought into the room.

Curtains were finally in position over the glass doors and his new white fur rug looked amazing on the hardwood floor.

I continuously looked at my watch, knowing I had to mail a package to my mother for her birthday. I entered the living room and saw Shannon and his friend sitting down talking. "Your bedroom is ready, but I need to run. I'll be back tomorrow morning to finish up the last of it, and that will be it. Hope you like it." I picked up my purse and turned to walk away.

"Carrie, wait a second."

His friend stood up as if he knew that Shannon would want to speak to me in private. "Yeah, Shannon, I've got to go too. I'll call you later."

He walked past me to the door and Shannon called out. "Alright man, Later."

The door closed and Shannon took a few steps closer which only caused me to back up. "I really do have to go."

"I won't bite, unless you ask me nicely." That sexy smile was back, but I stood there, stoically, my face not even cracking a smile. "Carrie, I'm only joking. I just wanted you to be with me when I see the bedroom for the first time." No sooner did he finish his sentence that his phone rang. "Damn, I have to take this. Just give me a few minutes."

He vanished into the next room and I bolted for the door. Luckily, I was able to walk to my car and leave before he came out. My first stop was the post office.

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