Chapter 38

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I made it to the airport on time Friday afternoon and was thankful that by the end of the day, I would be back home and able to sleep in my own bed. I had barely finished unpacking and was getting ready for a hot bath when I heard the doorbell.

With a smile spreading across my face, I pulled the door open to find both Jared and Shannon standing there. I quickly embraced each of them as they stepped inside. "We know you just got home and are probably busy, but I'm a little excited to see you." Jared admitted, taking a seat on the couch.

"And impatient." Shannon added, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch.

I pulled the silky robe tighter and folded my arms in front of me. "I'm glad to see you both, it's been a long, shitty day." This was completely unexpected and I still couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable being around them both at the same time.

Even more so when Jared patted the empty spot between them. "Come here, sit for a few minutes." My lip twitched as I thought about being between them. It was only a seat on the couch, but it sets off so many filthy thoughts about where it could possibly lead if I wasn't careful. "She's nervous, it's so cute."

"Don't be nervous." Shannon's arm slid around me and I clasped my hands tightly, wiggling my fingers in and out of each other. "How was Reno?" The baritone of his deep voice reverberated through my bones.

"Time passed much faster once Josh arrived. It's nice to have someone to eat and watch movies with at night, you know? You guys are so lucky, I don't always have Josh there. It gets lonely traveling by yourself."

"Speaking of which, I meant to tell you, we've got an event to attend in New York and we will both be out of town for over a week. Maybe you'd like to come with us this time?"

I immediately began racking my brain for a way I could possibly push back some of my clients. God, the idea of going to New York made my head spin. It had been a while since I was there last, and I really loved everything about it. My mind raced until Jared's voice brought me back to reality. "If not, it's fine. We know you've got a schedule to keep, but the offer is on the table. We will gladly take care of everything for you. Just think about it."

Shannon cleared his throat as he leaned forward. "We know it's late, let's get together for dinner tomorrow and talk it over. It's Valentine's Day and we just thought a dinner between the three of us was only fair." I fumbled with my earlobe, pinching the dangling earring, and half smiling at Shannon's suggestion.

"I think that's a great idea. And you can just give me the dates and I'll look over my calendar to see if I can move some things around." I turned to Jared. He was pulling the hair tie zJfrom his wrist and gathering up his long locks. Watching him, I asked my next question. "Is it for a show, or just an appearance?"

"We are scheduled for an appearance, but we'll have some free time to go out and have a little fun." Jared pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm looking forward to spending a little time with you this weekend. I've missed you." I felt a little odd kissing him with Shannon sitting right there next to me, but did nothing to stop it.

I nodded like an idiot. "I've missed both of you." It was so strange, feeling the need to say the same things to both of them. I had this fear of singling one of them out or showing too much attention or emotion to one of them. Being in this particular situation really was a mind fuck.

They both stood and Shannon spun me around, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I bathed in the scent of his freshly laundered clothing. Jesus, they always smelled so fucking amazing. Brushing my hair back, he kissed me tenderly. "Get some rest, sweetheart." He whispered against my ear and moved to the door, opening it and stepping out.

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