A little sprinkling of cheeto dust.

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Molly's P.O.V

Tom tilted the cheeto packet into his mouth. I watched as he licked the red cheeto dust from his lips. It was gross. But it also really wasn't. And that was terrifying.  I watched fascinated by how the spice had made his lips swollen and red. His lips looked so soft.

"What?" He asked.

Fuck. I'd been staring.

My heart sped up a little as he watched with me those deep brown eyes of his.

"Nothing. I can't believe those are your favourite chips. Weirdo." I teased.

"You can talk. Fucking sour cream Pringles. Really?"

I smiled and shook my head. We'd been waiting and talking like this for hours. He was actually sort of...ok? I felt my stomach swoop down nervously. No. It's Tom DeLonge. He is not ok.

It was 3am. And I still hadn't been x-rayed. My wrist was throbbing now that the adrenaline had worn off. I hadn't been given any pain meds but to be honest Tom was pretty good at distracting me from the pain. He was actually a very interesting guy.

He was a lot smarter than I thought. He knew a lot about everything not just music. He knew about history and space and science fiction. He got so enthusiastic and passionate when he talked. He used his hands a lot. His hands were long and lean perfect for guitar playing really.

He smiled a lot too. He had a nice smile. He really did. It was crooked and almost shy. I'd never noticed before. I guess I was too busy being mean to him before for him to smile.  He had the most expressive eyebrows too when he frowned they almost covered his eyes. His eyes were so warm and soft...Nothing like mine at all. Fuck. Stop staring. What the fuck was going on?

"You like spicy food then? I hate it. I've got a weak ass baby mouth." I said honestly.

Tom laughed.

"Yeah. My favourite is Mexican food. We're lucky living here in San Diego. Have you ever been to sombrero's? It's like a literal hole in the fucking wall but best. Burritos. Ever."

I shook my head.

"Never ever." I said honestly.

"Never?! Fuck. I'll take you some time and I bet you'll change your mind."

I raised my brows.

"DeLonge are you asking me out on a date?" I teased.

My eyes widened when I noticed a blush on Tom's cheeks. I'd never seen him blush. I didn't think he was capable of it.

"What?! Fuck no. I was just asking if you wanted to go get some food. Jeez relax."

I grinned. He was nervous. Tom DeLonge was nervous. I'd never have thought it possible. Why? Did I make him nervous?

"Well ok if that's all then sure we can get food some time. Just...no dates. Because well you're really not my type." I said with a shrug.

Tom smiled.

"Yeah? I know. I got that vibe. You're not exactly subtle about it."

I laughed.

"Fuck. Sorry I'm such a bitch to you. If it means anything I hate you now a tiny bit less than I did a few hours ago."

Tom looked at me. His eyes were so soft on my face. It made me feel all weird and gooey inside. 

"You're not a bitch. And...thank you." He said earnestly.

He wasn't joking around like he usually did and that made everything weird and different.

"Hastings?" I jumped slightly and turned to the side.

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