be my 1 regret / 8

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THE F WORD.....there is more than one....

"You know, I forgive you, right?"

My fingertips miss a stroke on the keyboard and I snap my head up from my laptop with a smirk. "Excuse me?"

Tanner saunters inside my office and slips suavely smooth into the seat next to my desk. His lips trip upward into a deeper grin. "Fi, baby, I had no idea that you were holding out on me. When did you have time to meet not one but two friends? I'm jealous, you know." He waggles his perfectly trimmed brows. "Especially jealous of that tall, dark and handsome one. Damn, what was his name again? Ben, Brad, Bart...."

I groan with annoyance. "Baz."

His eyes light with glee and he snaps his fingers. "That's it. Baz. Yummy, yes please Baz." He over dramatizes a sigh then winks at me. "So, baby girl, please tell me you called that sinful man candy. And please tell me that it led to some much needed kinky sex. And if you say no, I swear to God, I'm gonna throw you over my lap and spank you...just like you like it."

My skin flushes at the thought of his hands on me, but I hide it quick with a half roll of my eyes. "My gawd, Tanner Jones, do they not have enough work for you to do across the street? I know your family would be quite disappointed if you weren't fulfilling all your duties. No hostile take overs? No spreadsheets to decipher? No randy interns with a lust for climbing the corporate ladder by ducking into a copy room to pleasure your perverted desires? Hmmm?"

Humor lines the corner of his eyes and he shrugs. "I already completed those tasks before noon today. I'm efficient like that." He shifts back into his chair and laces his fingers behind his head mocking me with another wink. "But dear sweet Ophelia...are not dodging my questions. So, how about you just tell your favorite bestie all about how you came to know this Baz. I'm dying to know how you could possibly find such a spectacular creature without my help. And don't leave out any details. You know how I like all the juicy parts."

This time the full eye roll unleashes. "Hate to break it to you, my dear Tanner, but I don't walk around with a stiffy for everyone I see. Nor do I tell people about it."

A small pout puffs out of his mouth. "Please. I don't have a stiffy for everyone. I have some standards. They at least have to be fit and good looking enough to not make me look bad in public. A pulse is a plus too."

I cough into my palm. "Whore."

His lips curve upward as he chuckles. "Thank you for the lovely compliment, baby. Now quit stalling and tell daddy about this Baz. I don't have all day to take a lunch break."

Laughter spills past my lips. "Oh my gawd. You're the worst. And just for calling yourself, 'daddy', I'm going to plead the fifth. I think I'm going to keep any information on Baz to myself. God forbid, I tell you anything and you go hunt him down for your wicked ways." The exasperation in his face stirs another giggle from me, and I arch a brow. "Although, if you need one bit of Intel, I think you may strike out this time. Something tells me that this particular tall, dark and handsome definitely doesn't swing your way." I press my lips tightly as he lets out a whimper thru his pout. "Ah, poor 'daddy', sorry to burst your sex-crazed bubble. But hey, you can always see if my room mate wants to play one of your wicked games."

A sheen of unnatural wickedness pours thru his green orbs, and I instantly regret the offering of Cleo. He purrs like a cat. "Hmmm, oh yes. The blonde. She did have some redeeming quality with that voluptuous chatty mouth of hers. Wonder if she can still talk when it's full?"

Never a dull shocking moment with Tanner, heat burns my entire face and neck, I try not to smile as I playfully chuck a pencil at him. "I can't believe you just said that. Oh my gawd. Tanner, you are the devil. Who needs a spanking?"

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