The Beginning of a New Life Part 2

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     You made your way into the house. Today was a very odd day, but it was better than staying there with HIM.  You remembered that day, the light on the phone, and the look on his face. You prayed to never see him again.


     That was his name. He was a great boyfriend until he suddenly changed. He wanted to be more intimate with you, but you rather save yourself than waste it so soon. When you told him you didn't think the relationship would last to the point where he hits it and quits it, he became upset and did something horrible that night.


"'re hurting me..."

"I didn't move yet, y/n."

  You closed your eyes, and let it happen. You said yes out of fear and pressure, truth is you didn't want to do this.You heard a camera go off, and looked up to see Akira's phone in his hand. "Akira, what are you doing?"

"Relax Baby, I'm just taking pictures."

"Okay..." You said weakly.

     You went to school the next day. In pain and highly upset. One of your friends approached you in horror, and handed you her phone. "Y/n, are you aware Akira is posting pictures of you?" she frowned. You looked at the pictures. It was you from yesterday the day you decided to do something horrible with Akira. You gave the phone back to your friend and marched to Akira, who was showing more pictures to his friends. You remembered clearly, socking him hard in the face.


     You went into the kitchen for a snack, and found your parents there. Your father was reading a newspaper, your mom was making dinner. "Hi mom. Hi dad."

"Hello Sugar Plumb." Your dad said turning the paper to a new page.

"Hi y/n. How was your first day?"

"Okay I guess. I made some friends."

"Nice. Hey, go get your sister, dinner would be ready in five."

You sighed and walked upstairs. Amber was sitting down on her bed in her room texting away on her phone.

"Mom said come down for dinner."

"Not eating dinner. Koku is taking me out for dinner!"

"Don't mom and dad hate him? You're not allowed to see him."

Koku was a dropout. But he worked and treated Amber kindly. He would always bring you sweets from his job, cake, cupcakes, and candy. He'd ask Amber to bring you over to his place where you would 1v1 him in video games. But soon found yourself when he would go into his room with Amber for their own game. He was a cool guy to talk to about boys, he was basically a big brother to you, and you looked up to him. Mom and dad didn't like the fact that Koku dropped out and got a job at a dessert place. When he left, they called him a "uneducated broke hobo."

"Cover for me." Amber said picking up her purse. "Tell them I'm going to study at the library."

"Sure, but what if dad tries to look for you?"

"We both know he wouldn't."

She smiled and gave you a tight hug. "I loooove you little sis!"

"Okay, Okay! You're gonna mess up my hair!"

Amber picked up her bag and rushed downstairs. "Bye mom! Bye dad! Heading out to study!"

"Oh, have fun dear!" Your mother yelled. "Study hard!"

Amber smiled went out the door. You sat down at the table and ate. Usually when Amber is home for dinner, you're parents would ask about her day and praise her for her actions. You remembered she told the one time she failed her math exam, instead of yelling at her like they usually would do to you, the encouraged her more. It was quiet at dinner, no one said anything to you. It was this awkward silence so you had to say something.

"School was nice, thank you for asking."

"That's good kiddo." Your father said turning another page in the newspaper.

"I stood up for this kid." You added.

"Oh, that's nice Darling." Your mother said while reading a book and eating.

"I'm getting picked on by three boys because of it."

"That's  very sweet Darling." Your mother added without looking up at you. "Eat your dinner before it gets cold."

You frowned. You then finished eating and left your plate at the table. You know they will notice it and call you down to put it up. That's the only thing they would talk to you about. The next day rolled around, you carefully walked along the building for the girls before the RRB could catch you. The halls seemed empty, you knew you could make it to your locker before they'd come searching for you. You opened your locker and began to put your stuff inside as quickly as possible. A few books and papers falling out in the process.

"C'mon...c'mon! We gotta get this done before they show up!" You told yourself.

"Before who shows up, Babe?"

You froze and slowly turned around to face Brick. Boomer and Butch on his side chuckling at the fear in your face. "Trying to get away from us so soon?" Butch said crossing his arms. "You need to know a few things before the bulling can began."

"Look guys, about yesterday-"

"Tip number one: No reporting what we do to a teacher. We will only make it worse." Brick said.

"Tip number two: You have to cough up some cash for each of us, otherwise we will make you!" Bommer smiled.

"Tip number three: Don't get  the Powerpuff Dorks involve with our fun." Butch smirked.

"But most of all," Brick said holding up a finger. "DON'T fall in love with us."

"What makes you think I'm going to?!" You exclaimed.

"It's something we know. Now, how about we start this hateful relationship, with a few quick bucks?" Butch said holding out his hand.

"I don't have any money!"

"Then you can say goodbye to this!"

Brick snatched your bookbag out your grip and threw it over his shoulder. "You'll get this back, when you give us our money. Comprende?"

"But I got that from my sister! It's expensive!"

"Really now?" Butch said. "Maybe we can sell it for some real dough!"

"No, give it back!" You said jumping up at it. Brick held it high in the air, his brothers laughing at you tried jumping at it. "C'mon little doggy! Jump for your treat!" By now, students gathered around you, you could feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment and you felt your eyes began to water. Bullying started all over again.


You heard Blossom's voice as she pushed her way through the crowd with Bubbles and Buttercup. "Why are you messing with her?"

"Yeah, what kind of man picks on a girl? No REAL men do that!"

"Unless you wanna pick a fight with us, you'd drop that bag and give it to her!"

The boys looked at them then back at you. They dropped your bag and began to walk off. "This ain't over y/n! Just wait till you're alone! You're gonna get it!" Brick exclaimed and disappeared into the crowd of students. The girls rushed over to you, checking if you were okay. Bubbles picked up your bag and handed it to you, and they helped get your books and papers off the floor.

(Having a writer's block, will make it much better next chapter)

My Rowdy Love (Rowdyruff Boys x Reader) (THIS HAS BEEN MOVED) (OLD AF AND CRINGEWhere stories live. Discover now