One win, One lost

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It was very silent at breakfast the next day. You refused to tell Buttercup the truth, and just covered it up with a lie. You couldn't tell her, not yet. Leaving the home, Amber's boyfriend kindly gave you a ride to school, to avoid Akira. The dream you had last night stuck in your head, all you knew for sure, was you felt...powerful today.

"Where am I? Who are you?" You cried out; the area was a pure black void, no color, person, or thing in sight except for the girl in front of you, she looked just like you, but with a darker aura and sinister grin.

"Pretty rude to not notice your own face, right?" She turned away and happily walked forward, you followed her, not wanting to be alone. You stood next to her, looking at her with concern, " I dreaming?"

The other you stopped, squatting down and then jumping up, her body rising in the air as she turned to you with a smug smile. "Go on. Test and see if you are." She floated in front of you, you copied what she did and rose into the air, your body not used to being off the ground this way, and you began floating around trying to catch balance. The other you took your hands softly, keeping you up straight. "You got it." She guided you towards a small light in the distance, her hand still holding yours as you both floated closer and closer.

There were two people sitting there in chairs, their hands tied to the  back as their eyes were covered with a white cloth. They were familiar....very familiar. 

"Recognize them?" the other you giggled and flew around them. She flew down, and removed the cloths from their eyes. There stood Princess and Akira, slowly awakening into consciousness. You stared, what more could you do? "Akira? Princess?" you whimpered. The other you stood behind you, hugging your body softly. "What more do these horrible people deserve then punishment, right?" The girl placed a large knife in your hand, "All the pain they caused us...shouldn't they suffer?" she gently pushed you forward. "I'd start with the girl first, she never liked us to begin with." You stepped to Princess, who slowly looked up at you, her eyes drained with no life as she tried to move back in fear. "No! Get away!" 

"Stab her, Y/n..." 

You felt your legs walk over to Princess. 

"Make her suffer..."

The knife in your hand, clutched tightly, as you thrusted it into Princess's eye. She let out a loud painful scream, you held onto the handle, you couldn't move, you couldn't control your body.

"Akira...make him suffer more y/n...make him pay for what he did to us!"

You looked at Akira, without hesitation and jabbed the blade right into his heart. A sudden sharp pain in your chest hit, and you collapsed, groaning in utter pain. "His's filthy..." the other you kneeled next to you, taking your face in her hands. "Let's make those who bring such negativity in our lives, suffer."

The dream was weird, what did it mean? You thanked Amber's boyfriend and walked towards the front building. The dark power from your felt it going though your veins.

"Y/n!" Nicole called to you and rushed over. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Please, look!" Nicole pulled out her phone, she hesitated for a moment but handed it to you. Your heart stopped, you read the bold caption: 


"Wha-" you scrolled down, the picture Akira took of you...posted onto a popular app where most kids from school got on. You looked up, students on their phones whispering and looking at you. Princess in the distance was talking to Brick, when she got a ping from her phone. She took it out her purse, and looked down, a smirk on her lips as she quickly showed Brick, he squinted his eyes at the phone and then looked up at you. You felt your heart was hard to breathe now.

My Rowdy Love (Rowdyruff Boys x Reader) (THIS HAS BEEN MOVED) (OLD AF AND CRINGEWhere stories live. Discover now