Crushing- Brick

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"Squish! Squash! BOOM!" a child up-roared in laughter. You were babysitting your neighbors's son Baby Koi. It just finished raining, so you took Baby Koi to go jump in the puddles. "Y/N! Look! Did you see the big splash I made?" Baby Koi said, his voice squeaking as he talks."

You smiled and told him you were proud. "Wanna see if there are more puddles in the park?" you asked him. Baby Koi got excited and you took him to the park were a group of boys were playing, Baby Koi seemed to get scared and tug your hand back and tried to turn away.

"Koi, what's wrong? Don't you want to play?"

"No! I wanna go home! Please take me home!"

"What's the matter? They are just childr-"

The boys turned to you and Baby Koi, a smile spreading wide on their lips as the pointed at him. "Koi fish! Koi fish! It's Koi the ugly fish!" They began pretending to be a fish, and puckering their lips too. You turned to comfort Baby Koi but saw him running down the sidewalk. "Koi! Wait!" you ran after him. But for a kid with short legs, he was incredibly quick on his feet. "KOI! PLEASE WAIT!"

You saw Koi bolt off the sidewalk towards the street, an oncoming car was racing his way. You ran as fast as you could, your lugs were about to give up on you, your legs felt like they were going to give out as well. You saw someone in a red hoodie pick up Baby Koi by the collar and pulling him away from the street, the car inches away from striking him. You stopped as you got closer, picking up Baby Koi from the stranger's arms and hugging him close.

"Koi! Don't ever do that again!"

"I'm sorry y/n! I'm sorry!" Baby Koi cried into your shoulder. "It's okay, it's okay. As long as you're safe! That's all that matters!" you smiled softly, happy that Baby Koi was safe and unharmed.

"Y/N?" The stranger turned around.


He smirked at you and crossed his arms. His crimson eyes peering down into your e/c  orbs. You held Baby Koi close as you glared at Brick. "What do you want?" you asked already annoyed.

"Can't I get a thank you? I saved your little brother!"

"He's not my brother. I'm babysitting."

"At this rate, you're a poor mother. Can't even watch one damn child.""

"Shut up." you said brushing Baby Koi's hair and began walking away. Brick then followed you and said, "No thank you? I not only helped you with Mitch, I helped save the Koi fish!"

You turned around quickly and grabbed Brick by the collar. "You can call me anything! But you never are allowed to call him a Koi Fish! I swear, if you ever say that to him again...." you pulled him close to your face and narrowed your eyes at him. "I will not hesitate to kill you."

You then pushed him away, Brick blushed slightly at your attitude. "Damn...I like them feisty sweetheart. " he smirked.

"Listen here you little shi-" You stopped and hen covered Baby Koi's ears. "Listen hear you little shit! Don't sweet talk me! I may do what you say in school, but outside I am to do anything I want! Don't fucking test me boy...I know a little Taekwondo!" you uncovered Baby Koi's eyes and began walking away.  

"Well played babe." Brick purred. "Now I'm looking forward to the school year."

Brick went home and took a nap in Boomer's bed. He knew his brother would get upset over it, and Butch will just tell him to ignore it. As he dosed off, he woke up to see a familiar face sitting on top of him, smiling down at him.

"Y/N?! What are you doing here? How'd you find my address?!"

She held a finger to his lips with a silent "Shhhh" and Brick noticed her attire. She wore red lingerie, with matching lace socks and her hair flowing from a sudden gust of wind. "Brick, for saving me, I want to thank you." 

"Ah...don't mention it. No p-problem at all!"

"Brick..." Y/n cooed as she leaned closer to him, closing her eyes slowly. Brick closed his eyes shut and leaned up to kiss her but was awaken at a sudden force of something being thrown at him.

"Get out my bed Brick!" Boomer shouted.

"I tried to stop him." Butch said.

"Why are you kissing my pillow?" Boomer asked as he stared at the blue pillow clutched in Brick's arms.

" see, about that...FORGET IT! YOU'RE DEAD!" Brick screamed as he got up. Boomer began running off, "But I didn't do anything!"

Brick sighed as both brothers left. It was unlike him to dream about his victims, this was really strange. Sure, he dreamed about girls, but never though about Y/n. Well, she was voted most beautiful girl in school, maybe it's her looks. But when Brick looked into her beautiful eyes, smooth clean skin, great body, and kissable lips, there's something he could resist.

Brick was in love.

Hihihi! Going through stuff, but will be back soon! :3

My Rowdy Love (Rowdyruff Boys x Reader) (THIS HAS BEEN MOVED) (OLD AF AND CRINGEWhere stories live. Discover now