Already Too Late

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Akira had always been great at being fake.

With his looks, many people trusted him or figured he was a chill guy. When y/n started dating him, he was a whole different person. He wasn't abusive or anything, he was a nice boyfriend for a good three months. Till he begged you to give up your pureness to him and him only. Though you wanted to wait you did it, which was the biggest mistake of your life. Before giving up being pure, he seemed to distance himself from you or would make excuses not to see you. He would smile when scrolling through his phone, and a few times you could see hundreds of girls from school messaging him.

You slammed the door of your house closed after Akira walked you home halfway. He was giving you some "rules" to follow so he wouldn't send the photos out. "No snitching, no frowning, no walking away from me, no talking to other guys, no telling others about the blackmail, and NO ignoring me."

Why did you agree to all this, why? Because you couldn't risk losing the girls and having the boys bully more. You were about to storm upstairs when her father called her name. You sighed and already can tell by his voice he was upset.

"Yes, dad?"

"Your mother got a call from your teacher about your grades." He narrowed his eyes as your mom stood next to him. Amber sat on the couch, she seemed really bothered, which was unusual.

"Mom, Dad, I will get better I promise." Y/n said.

Your mom sighed. "Y/n, we want what's best for you. Don't you want to be successful?"

"Of course I do mom! I want to be an artist!"

"An artist won't get you anywhere! Sure, it's fun to do, but what if some company doesn't want your art? They will throw you out! And then what would you do? Draw some more? That's not money! That's time-wasting!"

"Why do you always think art is going to ruin my career?!" Can't you guys be supportive for once?"

Mother sighed. "Why can't you just be like Amber, y/n?"

"I don't want to be like Amber! Why won't you let me be myself?" You screamed and turned to Amber? "Amber, you're the only one in this house who can support my dreams! Tell them ill be fine!"

Amber stood up."Mom, dad, think about it. As long as your daughter is happy and has a plan, shouldn't you be proud of her?"

"Amber you have many talents won so many awards, made so many proud! Your sister...she just doesn't do any of that at all!" Your mother screamed.

"You wanna know something mom?" You smiled. "You work in a poor condition factory, making 7.25 an hour when you failed to be a lawyer. Your coworkers hate your guts, and you don't have the balls to ask for a raise after working there for two years! You think art is going to make me look like you?"

Your mother glared down at you. "Well, you are a no-good daughter who can't seem to have good grades like your oldest sister. You sit in your room all day and have around with nothing better to do!"

"I rather have a mom who is supportive of me and will help me follow my dreams than a low-life mom who doesn't care about me!"

"I rather have a daughter who will have a better chance in life instead of failing with her stupid art!"

"Y/n, Rachel, please..." Your father stepped between you two.

"You guys don't have to fight!" Amber cried.

"I wish I had a different mom!" You screamed and stormed away.

"Well, I sometimes wish for a different daughter!" Your mother screamed back.

You slammed your door clothes and threw yourself onto the bed. Your face felt hot, and you could feel the tears falling down your cheeks. You saw a text from Akira, but you were to upset to answer.

Sorry for the short chapter! Storm is ruining our connection !

My Rowdy Love (Rowdyruff Boys x Reader) (THIS HAS BEEN MOVED) (OLD AF AND CRINGEWhere stories live. Discover now