The Good Guy Never Wins

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"...Dad...what do you mean someone brought the company?" You sit next to him, grabbing ahold of his shoulder as your mother stood next to him.

"Ah Cupcake..." Your father smiled and ruffled your hair. "It's okay, don't worry about it. Me and your mother will talk about it." He stood up, taking your mom's hand gently and leading her outside. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but from the tone they sounded hurt. You peeked through the curtain, to see your parents embrace each other, your heart crushed. 

Was this your fault? You didn't mean to get them, it's not your fault. Akira did this.

As time went by, you and your family were kicked from your home the same dad your dad was laid off. Akira's parents were rich enough to buy the property from your parents, either that or they bribed with big riches just to see your family suffer. The day worsened as it rained, your parents, Amber, and you standing in the rain. Your mom and dad's parents cut off contact with them forever, so no point of crawling to them for help. Your family embrace each other as your father tried his best to shelter you, Amber, and your mother under his expensive leather Jacket.


You looked up, Boomer was standing in front of you, holding a brown bag filled with groceries inside of it. A large blue umbrella over him, as his jet blue eyes looked down at you. "What are you doing out here in this weather?" he tilted his head. You looked away from him, you couldn't look him in the eyes after what happened. Blood rushing to your cheeks, your ears burning with sheer embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, but are you her friend?" Your mother looked at Boomer. "Please...for the sake of just a day, may my girls stay with you? I don't want them getting sick, and we currently don't have shelter..."

"Mom! We will be fine!" Amber blurted. "We shouldn't trouble them, they don't know us that well..." Your mother quickly grew silent, the sound of thunder roared in the distance as Boomer looked around. "No, I won't separate you guys. But...there IS a few spare rooms at our house..." Boomer muttered. Your eyes widen, "Is he trying to...give us shelter?" you thought.

"C'mon, you guys wouldn't turn me away, would ya? I don't live far." Boomer began walking forward, urging your family to follow him. You felt your heart sink a bit, it felt odd appreciated the kindness.


Boomer opened the door of a nice condo, the sound of gunfire and yelling on a TV caught your attention.

"Dude, that's cheating!"

"It's not cheating, you just suck!"

"You backed me up in a corner Butch!"

As the two paid no attention to you and your family, you noticed wrappers of food, pizza containers, and clothes scattered around the livingroom. Boomer let out a low growl in annoyance as he placed the bag of groceries on a nearby table. "Do you guys ever pick up after yourselves?"

"Shut it Boomer!" Brick turned to his brother. 

"Yeah, shut it Boomer!" Butch turned as well. "You're such a sissy, that's why stupid dad won't come home!"

Boomer growled a bit, "He's never home, because this place never feels like a home!" he exclaimed.

"Well maybe if you-" Butch stopped and looked past Boomer's shoulder, his green orbs looking into yours. "Y/N?" he said softly, Brick's body moved in alert as he looked at you quickly in silence. He then looked at your parents and Amber, his eyes glaring them down, "Who the FUCK are these people? Why is Y/N here? If this is another group here to tell us "Have you accepted Jesus as your lord and Savior", I'm gonna loose it!"

My Rowdy Love (Rowdyruff Boys x Reader) (THIS HAS BEEN MOVED) (OLD AF AND CRINGEWhere stories live. Discover now