Bad Blood

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Classes went by smoothly. No sign of the RRB, which was good. You headed to the gym after school, you at least wanted to try cheer-leading since your parents said drawing wasn't considered "normal." You stood next to the girls and waited for instruction.

"Alright! Listen up!"

A voice called out. A girl stood there, she had light skin and red eyes. Her hair is orange with very neat bangs framing her face and two coiled pigtails that is nicely separated with a crown in the middle. She wore a pink a white cheer-leader attire with her midriff exposed. She crossed her arms and looked at the group of girls. Buttercup sighed. "Why did I have to join this?!" She groaned. Blossom shushed her.

"Some of you came to tryout for this team. But I must HAVE you know, only the BEST can get on this team!" She explained. "You have to be brutal! You have to be quick! Most of all, you have to be PRETTY! No one wants ugly cheer-leaders on their team! Especially me!" She then looked at the girls, she then held one finger up.

"Whoever I point to, you're on the team."

She pointed to a few girls. Then Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, leaving you and a girl the only ones left. She had long blonde hair and tan skin, her eyes were green and lifeless, she wore a pink skirt and white blouse. She stood completely still, it was kinda creepy.

"Only two girls left." The girl said. "Only one spot left." She smirked and rested a finger in the center of you and the girl, moving her hand side to side slowly. "I pick..." she paused and tapped her chin thinking. "Y/N."

You smiled brightly and headed towards the girls in excitement. The leader turned to the girls and smirked more. "Sorry Elizabeth, but you're the only one left. That means you're not on the team! Sorry not sorry!"

Elizabeth said nothing, she then turned and walked out the gym, leaving everyone silent. You couldn't help but feel bad for her. "Well!" the leader turned to the girls. "Congrats to you girls! But don't get too comfortable just yet, I'll make your lives hell if I have to. My team never messes up! In case some of you don't know, I am Princess Morbucks! The richest, prettiest, and most popular girl in school!" She smiled. "You rats are now under my control! Now, let us do some stretches and exercises!"

You left after an hour. You were so exhausted and tired, you just wanted to change and get home. You took a shower, and wrapped the towel around your body and stepped out. You walked to your locker, and opened it. The clothes you had were no longer there. You began searching everywhere possible, but no luck. You saw Princess walking to the door, and called to her.

"Captain! I need your help! My clothes are gone!"

"Oh really? Sucks to be you then." Princess snorted and walked out the door. You began to panic and search the locker room, as you went back to the showers to check, you heard laughter behind you and turned around to see the RowdyRuff Boys standing there. Boomer holding your clothes while butch held your bra, and Brick held your underwear.

"GIVE THAT BACK!" You exclaimed.

"Come and get it Babe." Brick smirked.

You growled and ran forward and jumped onto Brick, causing him to fall back You began to struggle trying to grab your underwear from him, but his grip was too strong. You finally got your stuff back and stood up, you looked at the three, who stared in shock, their faces turning bright red.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

You then looked down, your towel was on the floor. You then looked at yourself, realizing you were naked in front of them. You quickly screamed and ran into the showers, closing the curtains behind you. "You all are perverts!" You screamed. You sat on the cold floor, shaking from the sudden AC that blew cold air. It wasn't long until you saw your clothes slide under the bath door, along with a note written with blue ink. You picked it up and read:

"Sorry for taking your clothes, but don't think of this as a nice offering, we don't need to get in trouble! If you tell about this to anyone, you're DEAD MEAT." -Boomer

Your fingers trailed along the words gently, his handwritting was neat and in cursive. It would almost be impossible to tell if a guy wrote this. You got dressed, and hurried out the lockers, the school, and eventually home. As you opened the door, you noticed Amber in the living room, a math book in her hand, you rolled your eyes and smiled.

"It's just me Amber."

"Oh, good!" Amber smiled and put the math book down. On top of the notebook was a manga she was reading. "If mom and dad caught me reading this, they would loose it!"

"Is that a new manga your boyfriend got you?"

"Yep! It's about two killers, who want to murder each other but are secretly in love! I love me some good romance and horror! They even have two hot guys who do the dirty in chapter six!"

"Sounds like it's a pretty good story." You smiled and took a seat next to her. She then smiled brighter and said, "So, any cute boys you noticed?"

"Pssh! Nah! Those guys up there are jerks!"

"BUUUUUT! Some jerks can be pretty good-looking jerks!"

"I don't like anyone...yet!"

"When you do, tell me! I'll give you some advice!"

"I don't think I want to date anymore Amber, not after since the incident with-"

"Shush! He was a dick! You deserve much better than guys like him! I swear if we didn't move, I'd go over there and kick his good-for-nothing ass!" Amber clenched her fist. "I need some juice." She got up angrily and stomped to the kitchen, angrily pouring juice and stomping back over.

"Mom and dad are so stupid to feel that they need to forgive him! The nerve of that jerk makes my blood boil! What kind of parents do that?"

"You have no idea how it feels for mom and dad to be this way."

Outside your house stood two figures. A man and a woman.

The man wore a blue suit with a blue bear head, while the woman wore a pink dress with a pink bear head.

"This must be the place, correct?" the man said.

"She's in contact with those three Rowdy jerks. I'm sure this is it.." The woman said.

"Grand. We shall plan the job swiftly and silently." He  turned to her.

"I will be sure to get more information about her as well." The pink bear turned to him, before the two parted and disappeared."

(Writer's block still)

My Rowdy Love (Rowdyruff Boys x Reader) (THIS HAS BEEN MOVED) (OLD AF AND CRINGEWhere stories live. Discover now