Sweetie You Had Me Chp. 3

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The end of the day came and I was walking back to my dorm. I had called and asked Ryan to come over. He was a little reluctant with his answer, but I knew he wanted to know how lunch went. My roommate Amy was out, as usual. She never really minded that Ryan came over as often as he did.

I wasn't alone for long when I heard the insertion of a key and the twisting of the doorknob. Ryan came in and locked the door. I was sitting on my bed with some music on. Yes, he did have a key to my room. And I had a key to his room, too. I trusted him enough to keep one. Plus, he was over a lot and I figured it would be a hassle to have him wait outside my door if I wasn't there. He set his key down on the desk and sat at the edge of my bed. I was up against the wall with my PJs on. He didn't talk for a while, and we just sat there and listened to "Karma Police" by Radiohead. When it was over, I turned off the radio and looked at him. I scooted down to the edge of the bed right next to him. He still didn't talk. I leaned against him and rested my head on his shoulder. I looked up and saw him smile. I felt his body get warm.

"So how'd it go?" He mumbled, and I saw the smile disappear from his face.

"It was good," I told him. "Nothing too special, though."

"What, he's not your new best friend now?" He mused, completely exaggerated sarcasm taking over his voice.

I laughed. He laughed too at the sudden realization of how ridiculous his voice sounded. "No. He's no threat to you, so your position as best friend is safe."

He was still laughing a little. He turned his head and looked in my eyes. I held his gaze for a while until he looked away. Felt his body get a little warm again. I smiled to myself. "So what was it that you were going to ask me before class started?"

"Eh, I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to go to this new restaurant I found outside of campus, but those plans were rudely shoved aside."

"Hey, how about we go tomorrow for dinner? I'll even pay," I tempted.

He looked at me again. "Aw, I can't let you do that."

"Sure you can. I'll make it up to you for missing lunch today."

I lifted my head off his shoulder and turned my body to face him. "Sorry. I know you don't like him."

"Don't be sorry. Do whatever you want to do."

I was starting to think back to what Jake had told me earlier. But did Ryan actually like me that way? I could pick up some of the hints. His body getting warmer when I touched him. How he talked to me. It was a lot of what I was learning in psychology. It was easy for me to start picking up on those sorts of things.

I heard the sound of keys again and the door opened. My roommate was coming back surprisingly early. She shut the door and looked at us before heading into the bathroom.

"Hey guys," Amy smiled and waved.

"Hey Aims," I answered. Ryan stood up.

"I guess that's my cue to go. See you tomorrow."

He grabbed his key off the desk and headed toward the door. He was halfway out, the door almost closed, when I called out. "Ryan."

He opened the door again and poked his head through. "Yeah?"

I blanked. I wanted to say something, about us, but what? I couldn't just bring it up now. I didn't have any courage to. "Uh..."

My hand fumbled behind me as I tried to reposition. I felt something that wasn't my bed sheet. "I forgot. You left your jacket in here last time you came over."

I saved myself. This time. "Oh yeah. You can keep it for a bit, I guess. I don't really need it right now."

"Okay. See you tomorrow."

He shut the door. I took a deep breath and sighed. Close. But, not yet. I picked up his jacket and set it on my lap. It was his light gray zip up jacket. I looked at it for a bit, and decided to slip it on. I was comfortable, wrapped in his scent.

I lied down and pulled the covers over me. I wondered how I would tell him. I wasn't so sure if he would tell me first. If he even did like me that way. But he was always shy with those things. It was me, though. He could tell me anything. I guess maybe not something that personal. If it was in the cards for us to be together, then I'm sure the topic would come up eventually.

The rest of the time I was awake, I thought about Ryan. And the whole time I was thinking about him, I began to feel happier. I guess I did like him more than a friend. I remembered that we were going to dinner tomorrow night. Maybe something might happen then. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. It wasn't long until I drifted off, his smell like a drug, inducing my sleep.

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