Sweetie You Had Me Chp. 7

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Half of the week flew by and it was already Wednesday. Ryan came over to my dorm about an hour after I finished my classes for the day. I was on my bed just starting a box of Oreos when I heard him knock.

"Come in," I called.

He had on a pair of sweatpants and his Fall Out Boy t-shirt. I was surprised it still fit him. He had bought it a few years ago. I had the same shirt on. In his hand was a notebook and pencil.

"Nice shirt,"

"Thanks," he laughed. "Hey you finished reading 'Invisible Monsters' right?"

"Yeah in like one sitting. Why?"

"My creative writing class wants me to write a song about a favorite book."

"That sounds awesome. So why'd you come over here?"

"I want you to write it with me."

I moved over so he could sit next to me on my bed. We leaned against my headboard for three hours with my covers over our legs and a thousand eraser shavings on our laps. We ended up eating the whole box of Oreos and sharing a ramen noodle cup.

"I think we're done," Ryan concluded.

"Finally," I breathed a sigh.

I snuggled down under my covers and rested my head against his chest. I felt his body get warmer and his heart beat faster... faster. I felt a smile creep along my face. I felt safe and warm with him. Ryan wrapped his arm around me and cupped my shoulder with his hand. I looked up to see his head rested against the headboard, his eyes closed, a smile spreading his cheeks but not parting his lips. I felt like I loved him. Like he was forever mine. I wanted to tell him. But maybe he already knew. Inside. It's funny how we acted like lovers, but never admitted it. Even to each other.

We both fell asleep for about an hour. Wrapped in each others arms. It was perfect. I woke up when I heard Amy come in. It was 7:30. When I opened my eyes I saw her standing there at the door with her hand covering her mouth. Her eyes showed the excitement that her hand hid. She let out a quiet high pitched squeal. I put one finger up to my mouth real quick to quiet her. She held up her phone and pointed to it. I nodded, understanding what she meant. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my Sidekick, making sure not to wake Ryan. I put the phone on silent and watched as Amy typed away.

Amy: OMG WHAT IS THIS?! Did he ask you out???

Me: No.... Sadly

Amy: aww but why are you literally sleeping with him?

Me: he came over and we were writing a song for three hours. We got tired

Amy: aawwwww cute! You guys look so cute can I take a picture and send it to Jillian?

Me: uh no!

Amy: lol. So he didn't ask you out, or kiss you, or anything??

Me: nope. When he wakes up don't say anything either

Amy: I swear I won't

I had gotten a text, but not from Amy. It was from Jillian.

Me: oh my gosh guess what

Amy: what?

Me: jillian texted me. Brendon asked her out!!

Amy: Oh my GOSH I need to text her

We went on like that for another 30 minutes. He still didn't wake. Amy went into the bathroom and I was able to rest my head again. I wrapped my arm around his stomach and nestled my head in his chest. His heart rate quickened slightly. I wondered if he could feel that in his sleep. I guess he did. My head rose and fell with his breathing. It was the most calming thing ever.

Amy had gotten into the shower. Ryan finally started to show signs of waking. I acted like I was still sleeping. He shifted, slowly sitting up, trying not to disturb me.

"Lys?" he whispered seeing if I would answer.

I said nothing. He started to stroke the top of my head. I smiled, but my face was not visible to him. He started to hum the melody we came up with for the song quietly.

"Oh I wish you knew," I heard him whisper, though it was barely audible.

Wish I knew... Oh I could imagine what that might have been. There were things I wish he knew too.

He started to shake my shoulder. I twisted my neck to face him. I opened my eyes and found his eyes glued to mine. His face was wonderful to wake up to.

"Good evening," he whispered.

"Good evening," I laughed.

I looked over to my clock. "We were out for almost two hours."

"Man." I sat up and he slid out of bed. "I guess I'll head back now."

He grabbed his things and headed for the door.

"Hey thanks again for helping."

"You are very welcome Ryan," I smiled.

I got up from bed and walked over to him as he was leaving. He gave me another long hug. I didn't care. I loved his long hugs. He said goodbye and was on his way. It was a very good day. I 'slept' with Ryan, and Brendon and Jillian were a thing now.

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