Sweetie You Had Me Chp. 8

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When the weekend rolled around we took another trip to the apartment. Ryan decided that he wanted the band to record the song we wrote and see how it would really sound. Jillian came again this weekend, but Brendon drove her this time. When they walked in the apartment some of Brendon's hair stuck out and Jillian's shirt was falling off her shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh because I knew exactly what happened. Even the other guys knew they made out before they came and laughed to themselves while Jillian and Brendon acted like absolutely nothing happened.

Ryan and I took about an hour explaining and figuring out what notes and chords went to which words and lines. It took a few hours until we pretty much had a song. Ryan was working on the drums with Spencer while I worked on vocals with Brendon. He was really easy to work with and totally understood how Ryan wanted this song executed. I watched as Spencer practiced his part and Ryan worked on base with Brent.

At about 4 in the afternoon we began to work as a group. It took awhile to get everyone on the same page with the song. It was coming along nicely though.

We all decide to spend the night at the apartment. There were two beds, a pullout couch, and a reclining chair. Spencer slept in one bed, Jillian and Brendon in the other, Brent in the recliner chair, and Ryan and I in the pullout couch.

"It's actually going good," I whispered to Ryan.

We both faced each other and laid real close. "Yeah. I guess we'll try to record something tomorrow."

He smiled at me. "I like how good it's turning out," he continued. "Soon our hard work will turn into an actual song."

"I can't wait. And who knows, maybe the whole world will hear it one day."

"I don't know. It might, if we ever make it past this apartment."

I smiled. "It could happen. I'll tell you right now, someday the world will know Panic! At The Disco and everyone will know what a genius songwriter you are."

"Well I don't know about genius," I could see him blush through the darkness. "But, if we ever make it to a recording studio anywhere, you're coming with me."

"You can count on that," I laughed quietly. "Well goodnight," I whispered and flipped myself so my back faced him.

I closed my eyes and felt him move close to me. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me close to his chest. I couldn't help but full on smile. I could feel his legs entwine with mine. Every nerve on my body seemed to prick with the feeling that each an every one of them were being loved. Then, his lips touched my ear.

He breathed, "Goodnight."

We woke in the same position. My legs ached from being bent with his. His arms were still fastened around my front. I glanced at the wall clock. 8:30 a.m.

I woke Ryan and we sat at the small kitchen table and ate breakfast. About and hour later everyone else started to stir out of bed. Brendon and Jillian were the last out of their room. I could tell that one steamy make out session took place last night. I remembered hearing them.

It took until about 3 to get the song recorded on a laptop. For awhile we sat there playing with sound effects and tweaking things. I played the final demo back to the room.

"I like it," Jillian was the first to speak.

"So what do we do with it?" I asked.

"Hey what if we sent it to Pete Wentz?" Brendon suggested. "You know, of Fall Out Boy."

"Like he'll ever listen to it," Ryan inputted.

Brendon grabbed the laptop. "Whatever. It's worth a shot."

We watched as he uploaded the demo for "Time To Dance" as we called it to MySpace. "So I guess we just wait," I sighed.

Ryan shook his head. "We'll see."

Sweetie You Had MeWhere stories live. Discover now