t w e l v e (Episode 5 Internment Start)

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[Season 4, Internment]

No P.o.V

A week after Margo, George and Nico had "officialy" joined the group, things started to get slightly more critical.

Well, let's say a lot more critial.

Day after day George vanished into the other cell block, first a few hours, then half a day and now Margo only saw him outside to get himself some food or medical supplies to help the sick. He rarely talked to her at all, his mind always seemed to be busy and occupied with thousands of thoughts and doubts when he quickly disappeared again but not before advising his daughter over and over that she shall not ever enter the D block. Margo herself on the other hand had a hard time fighting walkers at the fence side to side with Maggie. Innert a few days large herds had started gathering up, pressing their body weight against the metal and bending it to a point where the group had to start searching for a solution to keep it intact. And like that wasn't enough, turns out they have a murderer in camp who decided to kill and burn two of the sick. Absolutely fricking great after all an apocalypse as it was, couldn't be enough, right?

So there she was, the day felt like a typical monday even if she didn't know the current date. It was dizzy and warm but not really sunny, like a hot steam and layed itself over the ground making their work even more uncomfortable then it already was. Her hands held onto a dark metal crowbar with which she stabbed the walkers closest to the silver fence into the head. Next to her was Maggie doing the same thing, she was wearing a wine red shirt, a black gear swung over her shoulders and her fingers were curled around a similar crowbar covered in blood and brainmass. The air was thick and filled with the nasty smell of mildew and death so that after a while both of them had to turn away from the mass to refill their lungs with clean oxygen.

"I didn't know you had so many tattoos", Maggie panted, resting her weight slightly on the crowbar which she had stuck into the dry ground. Since the unpleasant temperature was starting to bother Margo she had searched the crowded shelves for a short sleeved shirt this morning instead of the longer cotton she had worn. She lunged out to stab another walker, "Yeah, wanted to study art-", and plunged the tool deeply between his eye sockets, "but ma Dad wouldn't let me". Maggie took in a slight breath, wanting to answer but before a word could leave her rosy lips, the sound of a car approaching awoke their attention. It was Rick, the bright silvery colour of the vehicle reflecting the dimmed sunlight, blinding Margos sensitive eyes to a point where she had to squint them together and awkwardly moved her hand infront as a cover. Maggie quickly trudged over to the gate, getting ready to open the heavy red doors whereas Margo positioned herself at the lighter fence entrance to pull it back. The car hobbled over the bumpy ground, Rick heavily shaking on the worn out seat before suddenly hitting the brakes and bringing a stop to his ride when he had past both of the doors. He made fast work of getting out of the car and slammed the door shut with a loud thud. His greyish brown hair was slicked back, the small locks curling up at the base of his neck and behind his ears. His dark skin was sweaty and splattered with little pecks of dirt which trailed from his collar all the way down to the hem of his shirt.

"We're almost done here", Maggie spoke up as she came back walking back through the grass. Rick absently nodded with stressed eyes, his hand roughly brushing over the scruff on his cheeks and running down his the bridge of his nose. "Carl, Judith, are they okay?", he asked.

"Yeah", Maggie didn't seem to be more than a bit irritated by his tense behaviour but Margo on the other hand stood there still with a wave of uncertainty washing over her. Not because of how he was so riled up and unsettled but because she immediately knew why he was like this. It had been obvious to her the moment she managed to glimpse behind the dusty windows and realized that indeed only one person was sitting in the outworn car which is why she quickly decided to step up and demand an answer to her just made discovery, "Where's Carol?".

The leaders eyes brushed past Margo, ignoring her on purpose, before darting back to Maggie on his right, "Glenn, Hershel, Sasha?", he continued. The brown haired women had noticed Margos question getting lost in the desperation of knowing about his members but she decided to answer him first in hope of settling him a bit, "Yeah, it's bad, but they're fighting it. Daryl's not back yet.", she stated in a soft but loud voice. Rick breathed heavily, hands wandering to rest on his hips. "Rick", Maggie tried but his gaze remained stubbornly on the grass, "Rick, where's Carol?". The words had gotten harder, she had taken a step towards him, her green eyes glistening with a need for the truth. There was a load of sorrow and unease in her composure, causing her to shift from leg to leg and not being able keep her arms in a certain position but rather crossing and uncrossing them restlessly infront of her chest.

"It was her", he suddenly spoke, sounding dull and croaky, "She killed Karen and David". His lungs were quickly filling with sweltry air, the muscled torso heaving beneath the dark grey fabric in a slow pace so his skin was tightly pressed against the buttons. "She tried to stop it from spreading. Tyreese is gonna be back here soon, so I didn't think she should be here." Both Maggie and Margo were a bit dumbfounded, altough the Blonde had had a distinct foreboding lingering in the back of her mind ever since she had observed the way Carol had reacted to any news of Hershel and his patients. Having it confirmed though, felt very uncomfortable.

"And I couldn't have her here", Rick whispered hastily, he had taken a step closer towards them with a face full of concern and searching for a sign of approval. "She has a car, supplies, she'll figure it out."

He braced himself, combing a hand through his hair and added, "I'll tell your dads, don't tell anyone else yet"

"Okay", Maggie answered softly. Rick turned, ready to walk to the prison block but stopping in his tracks, "Would you have brought her back?"

"She said she did it?", Maggie asked. Rick nodded.

"Then you were right to send her away", Margo spoke up, her voice was cold and dripping from her tongue like ice, she had her pointy nose stuck up in the air, lids heavy with dark eyes hiding beneath them, sharply glancing towards Rick. She waited a few seconds, before turning away and walking back to the fence. Even if Margo had seen the world fall apart infront of her, she still tried to hold on to the pieces of society and keep them together. It was like a desperate clutch around herself and she was scared to death of letting go because a tiny voice in her head told her that she would fall apart if she did. That she would loose als sence of humanity and transform into a beast, stomping over every moral and every law that was planted into her brain for years. She wanted to unconditionally believe in the values of her mother, in empathy and kindness but with every murder happening, altough in times as horrible as this we, humans, should stick together, her trust crumbled more and more. So she had to say it, she had to get the threat of her sanity away as fast as possible and Rick thankfully already did half the work.

Maggies green eyes followed the lean figure of Margo until she was by the walkers and grabbed her crowbar from the ground. "I don't know if I could've", she whispered.

"You could have Maggie, you've done harder things", Rick told her, his hand softly rubbing her right shoulder. He had slightly bowed down to get on her height and tried to look her in the eyes but only managed to meet her gaze for a few seconds before she looked away again.

"Don't doubt yourself, we don't get to anymore"

Maggie looked up, her unsure eyes meeting his and she pursed her lips to the smallest smile before nodding and brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Rick, the cluster's getting bigger than the one that took the fence down. - We need to do something."

"We will"

**please read**

Hello There! Thank you very much for over 700 reads and 30 votes! Now, this is officially the first chapter which follows the AMC The Walking Dead Script and I really hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to fit the whole episode 5 in this chapter but with all the stress around Christmas I just haven't had enough time to rewatch the episode enough to write it all yet. Maybe I will update this chapter again and continue a bit further into the episode but if not, it will be finished in the next chapter for sure :)

I wish you all a very nice Christmas and a good start into 2019! <3

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