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[Season 4, Internment]

No P.o.V

Maggie had dropped the flashlight into Margos hand who almost let it fall to the ground due to the non existent sense in her little- plus ringfinger and her good hand being occupied with the knife she had grabbed before. She cringed, biting on her bottom lip not because of the pain which was still heavily pounding through her arm but rather the realization of her two fingers almost not moving anymore and feeling dangerously numb. Sure she could fight with one arm if needed, she already had to for a few months when she got shot into her shoulder, but the imagination of loosing another esthesia, the first one being her bad eyesight, made her very uncomfortable. 

"NO!", Hershel suddenly screamed, reclaiming Margos attention. There were pearls of sweat on Maggies forehead, her brows intently furrowed as she squinted on eye close. Her weapon was aimed on the walkers head from the one her father was struggling with and Margo could see her finger twitch at the trigger when the voice of Hershel rang through their ears. 

"You could hit the bag!" Only now Margo noticed the milky intubation bag which was strapped around the walkers neck and into his mouth. They weren't that small and Maggie could easily destroy it with shooting from that kind of distance but she didn't seem to care, the fear over her father was overpowering the disadvantage of not having that bag easily so she only made a step more directly underneath them and continued to aim. Hershel was grunting, his hands were tightly forced against the walkers bloody shirt and he tried bringing his foot farther up to stand on him but it wouldn't quite work. 

"We need it for Glenn", he groaned. Within seconds the reddish stain from Maggies cheeks had drained and she quickly lowered her pistol, "Where is he?"

"He's up here"

Margo was ready to rush up the stairs but Maggie grabbed her right hand, took the flashlight out of it and instead pressed the barrel between her fingers. "You've got a better aim than me", she breathed and bent down slightly, "Please, Margo"

The Blonde was left a bit dumbfounded and definitely slightly overwhelmed with the responsibility Maggie had suddenly put on her before she left jogging to the upper row of cells. A gulp of air, almost to big for Margos small lungs rushed down her throat and she held it there, pressing her stomach muscles together. 

One second..

two seconds..

three seconds vanished before she quickly raised the pistol, closed her right eye and shot. There was a deadly silence lingering in the air. Like everybody was waiting for the bullet to finally arrive when it had already hit its target and of course it hit perfectly. It always did and Margo was an even better shot with pressure put on to her but somehow todays pressure was different, it wasn't the time or her having to shoot with only one hand. No, it was Hershel, Maggie and Glenn and that suddenly she felt like it was her brothers and fathers life depending on her and she was actually scared of loosing them. There was a tension in her state she had only felt very seldom before and it took Hershel to break the silence for her to start breathing again.

"Margo", he started, slowly balancing himself on the net and bending down to open the strip from the intubation bag, "You're a fucking good shooter." A breathy laugh escaped his lips, teeth slightly showing underneath his clean white beard and a few wrinkles adorning the rims of his eyes. He quickly continued with scrambling off the cort and crawled underneath the railing with one hand tightly gripped around it to stabilize himself which wasn't the easiest thing due to his amputated lower leg. Margo didn't waste anymore time and tucked the gun into her waistband with a fast movement before rushing up the stairs. Even tough the walker had stopped snarling it was still incredibly noisy in the block, especially Margos feet stomping up the metall created a startling loud echo in the room mixed in with the gargling sounds of Glenn choking on his own spit and blood. In addition to that there was Maggies frantic calling after her father and the calming words she spoke to her boyfriend in an attempt to have him relax. It all was a huge blurr, really, but somehow Margo felt what she had to do and where she needed to be, so between the blended colours which were swirrling around her head there was a very foccused road infront of her inner eye, leading the way right into cell 100. She stumbled around the corner, her hand gripping the doorframe so she wouldn't fall.

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