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[Season 4, End of Internment]

No P.o.V

Margo always hated the feeling of pure and utter panic. When your ribs are closed around your chest like a cage and no matter how hard you're breathing and how much air you feel rushing through your open mouth your lungs are staying empty and dry. When every fibre of muscle in your body is screaming in pain but still you continue to run because a fire has been inflamated and it's not going to burn out until the wood is gone. That's exactly what had happened. Hershel had been searching for a sort of disinfectant to clean up the wound on Margos hand when he mumbled an answer about her father going on a run to scavenge for more medical supplies. It took only a brief second before she had jumped up from the ground and was running like mad through the hallways, ignoring the shouts from Hershel and Maggies footsteps as she tried to follow her. 

Margo threw herself against the metall prison door, a throbbing pain pumped from her shoulder down to the tips of her fingers and the hit from the door banging against the beton wall rang through her ears. Her body was crying in pain and exhaustion, she was so foccused on saving her father, she didn't even notice the torn down fence and the hundreds of dead walkers scattered all over the ground.

Michonne had been working all morning. Even tough she had seen lots of dead and alive walkers the mess of Rick and Carls fight against the herd in the middle of their entrance somehow bothered her. So early this morning she had gotten up and drove one of the Pick-Ups, which were parked at the main gates, up to the block to bring the corpses to a place to burn them. She was just in the process of heaving an uncomfortably heavy dead onto the bed when a loud clank let her fingers snap away from it. Her hand instantly dipped down to her gun which was loosely hanging in its shed on her hips, there was a small leather ribbon placed upon it to keep the pistol secure and she placed her thumb over it, ready to push it out of her way. She squinted her deep brown eyes close, her warm irises almost melting together with the beauty of her dark skin. A gentle shimmer had placed itself on her lids from the golden morning sun, it almost looked like she had put on a glittery eye shadow and when her eyes darted to Daryl and Tyreese on the field it glistened lovely. They returned her stare, an unspoken confirmation lingering in the air between them. 

The situation turned out different than all of them could've expected because shortly after the loud clank of the door a crazed Margo sprinted out of the prison in an almost unhuman speed. She wore a greyish shirt and classic blue jeans which were drowned in blood and clung loosely to her skinny body, her arms rowed heavily at her side, trying to get herself even faster as her legs moved over the inner yard. She looked like a crazy person, her skin was unhealthily pale, deep circles had taken away the spark of her blue eyes and the panic which was pulsing inside her chest showed itself in a horrified facial expression. It wasn't her usual controlled self who was running out there trough the grass, it was Margo in her most naked and weakest way. She didn't expect her old self to come back and she didn't want it back. She had faught so hard to store her demons away in a closet, to put a heavy lock on it and swallow its key but somehow this group had reproduced it. 

Shortly after the blonde, Maggie came running through the door. She looked similary exhausted and was definitely slower but her fists were balled up, determined to stop Margo from her intention. Her hair was crusty and bounced with each step she took, a layer of sweat had formed on her front. She started to realize that she wouldn't be able to fetch Margo before the gate and decided to scream for help, "Daryl, hold her!"

He had been glued to the spot until then. It all seemed way too abstruse, the picture forming infront of him didn't fit the character Margo had painted of herself but rather something he had believed to see in her the night she talked to Beth. 

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