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[Season 4, Internment]

No P.o.V

After finishing off with their daily session of killing undeads at the fence and readjusting the few stems Rick had decided to prop against it, Margo and Maggie made their way back inside. In one of the countless rooms lingering the hallways of the prison a slightly unstable, wooden shelf packed with a mess of cans and bottles was balancing itself behind the door. Maggie had carefully pushed into the room, making sure that the handle or even the whole door itself wouldn't bump against it, causing it to fall apart with an orchestra of clattering alumium.
"Here", she pressed her delicate fingers into the clear plastic of a sixpack with waterbottles and pulled two out of them with a nasty squeak. Margo thankfully took it, flicking of the cap and greedily gulping down half of it before wiping her mouth in a very unwomanly manner.

Maggie smiled warmly, taking a few sips herself.
"The short hair suits you", she said softly, leaning against the wall opposite of the shelf.
Margo briefly met her eyes and pulled off a weak smile. Maggie had started talking to her evermore and also her sister Beth and Hershel tried to desperately crack the siloed women up piece by piece with making small conversations and telling her sweet stories of their family and the farm. But Margo refused. Over the past weeks she already grown a too sweet spot for the Greene's and she heavily refused to let it get even bigger and clog her mind with a sort of trust which shouldn't exist. She just wanted to stay in her little bubble, have her believes confirmed and continue with killing walkers and hunt from time to time but ever since they joined, her brain and heart started having an exhausting conflict and Margo didn't know how much longer she could keep her balance between the two of them. On one side there was a sort of care and love in this group which reminded her so much of her mother and how she used to be but then they still kill. And her mother would've never killed the living. 

She would've been disgusted by it.

Her lips were blown up, blood spluttering from her mouth like water and if it wasn't for the rope around her wrists she would've fallen forward straight on her face, braking every remaining bone. Margo bit hard on the hem of her sweatshirt trying prevent herself from sobbing and of getting caught behind the stash of wooden boxes were she was hiding. Heavy tears were rolling down her already sore cheeks and between the aching in her heart, waves of anger and frustration washed over in an unsteady and hurtful rhythm. After a few seconds one of the tall men walked back into the room smirking hatefully as he watched his work of destruction. He strudded over, grabbing a metal baseball bat which was leaned against the wall, stroking it deliberately with his dirty fingers. 

"Are you regretting your stupidness yet?", he asked, licking over his teeth as he did so. 

"No", she answered in a gentle voice, spitting out a clump of blood, "I told you. It was for my daughter" She smiled warmly past the mans legs towards Margo, in her eyes wasn't even a spark of hate, if anything, they glistened with the same richness of genuine love they always did. 

The man laughed devilish, "Too bad", and then before Margo could look away, he lunged out and swung the bat fully against her mother. Margo shrieked and clamped her hand desperately over her lips and before she realized what had just happened she was already running for her life. 

"Will you tell us your-", Maggie started but Margo was quick to stop her with laying a finger over her own lips, asking for quietness. 

"What is-"

"Don't you hear it?", Margo breathed. She had crouched down slightly, her pupils wide and unsettled, the bottle clamped tightly in her right hand. 

(This scene is slightly different then the original.)

"We've already discovered that your auditory seems to be from another species", Maggie spoke, she grinned slightly but hidden in her eyes she was deeply concerned because the times before Margo had never been wrong regarding her instincts and when she suddenly took off, running towards the other cell block, she was quick to follow. Only a few feet before reaching the glass through which they had spoken to their fathers before, Maggie heard it too. It was Lizzy, screaming highpitched in sheer horror. Frantically Maggie tried pressing down the doorhandle whereas Margo had ripped the flaming red fire extinguisher from its retainer on the opposite wall and screamed, "They locked themselves in", throwing the thing towards the brunette. Maggie caught it, grunting slightly before grabbing it tightly and shoving it with full force against the window but it didn't break. She tried it again, a scream of frustration leaving her lips when still nothing shattered and she was already searching her surroundings for an alternative solution but then Margo tightly clamped her arms around the back end of the extinguisher and shouted, "C'mon again". With pumping breaths and reddened cheeks they took a few steps back, counted to three before running against the window a third time. This time it did break, a liberating clank ringing in their ears as thick mirroring lines sprawled through the glass in a spider web form and then breaking apart into millions of sharp pieces which landed on the floor. Maggie let the extinguisher fall into Margos arms who also let go and it crashed into the mess of splinters on the ground, she hastily pulled her sleeve over the skin of her right hand and started pushing the glass off the windowframe. 

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