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"I C 3 PLEASE! I C 3!"

I internally groan as I make my way out of the stock room. I've been here since 6AM and it was now noon. I'm supposed to be stocking my aisle but can't really do that if I'm on the register all friggen' day. I get to my counter but as I expected there was no need for an extra register to open up. Why the hell call for people if there isn't anyone in line!

I've been working at Walgreens for about a year now. I decided to take time off school and make some extra cash. Money has been pretty tight at home and I thought I could help out.

"Well you look like you could use this."

I looked to my left and saw my manager, and also close friend, Sally make her way to me, coffee in hand.

"Oh my god thank you!" I rushed over and took a long sip. Nice and hot.

"So it looks like you'll have to fill in for Vernice today." Sally mumbled, looking away. I choked on my coffee and gaped at her.

"What? No. I can't! You know I have my second job after this.", I said in annoyed voice.

"Trust me, I know. I'm calling others that are off today so it's still up in the air. But for the time being, your here till 6PM." She pat my sholder. "Sorry buddy."

"Why did you guys have to move me to cosmetics. You know I know nothing about make up." Yes I'm a girl and yes I apply eye liner but that's it. I know shit about make because 1. it takes super long to do 2. No one ever showed how to and 3. It's expensive.

"Y/N you know why. We need a female here. Customers are usually girls anyway and feel more comfortable if the cashier is a girl too."

"Yeah but-"

"Don't worry. Most of the time these girls know what they're looking for. Just ring them up, give them a smile and let them leave."

I blankly stared at her. Is this really happening right now? I think she caught on to my annoyance and placed her arm around my sholder.

"Listen, go on your lunch. You haven't taken it right?" I shook my head. "Okay. Go and have a smoke. I'll cover you here for now." I let out a sigh and nodded. Sally and I had clicked last year on my first day. She was in charge of training me on everyting I needed to know. We were the same age and found out we liked similar things. The fact that she was manager didn't bother me. She was the boss and I her employee. It didn't matter to me, it was all business. Our moment was interrupted when someone cleared their throat.

"Excuse me, can you help me unlock something?" The dark skinned woman asked. Oh yeah, did I mention that our Walgreens location is one of the worst ones in the city? We get robbed almost everyday by the homeless and junkies that roam around. So we have to lock all the expensive amd frequently bought stuff behind glass cases.

"Sure." Sally turned to me. "You. Go away." I have her a small smile and made my way to the break room. I grabbed my pack of Newport menthols from my locker and also my earphones. During my lunch hour I didn't really eat any food. What can I say, I don't get hungry.

I exited the front of the store and leaned on the corner of the building and lit up my first cigg. I scrolled through my phone looking for a good song to listen to. Once I made my decision, I put in one of my headphones. I took my first drag of smoke and instanly felt the nicotine hit my system. God how I needed that. I suddenly felt 20 pounds lighter and a bit more relaxed. I was about to put in my other headphone and take another puff when I heard someone near me speak up.

Forever and Always (Camila Cabello/You)Where stories live. Discover now