Chapter 16

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My hands suddenly got sweaty and I felt like I was about to faint. I had heard about Camila's dad and how he was going to come watch her performance but seeing him in the flesh kind of made everything so real... I was about to meet the most important man in my girlfriend's life.

I stayed frozen in my spot like a deer in headlights. I shifted uncomfortable as I rolled on the balls of my feet watching the Cabello family interact. I love watching my girlfriend sporting that face splitting smile. I could tell that she genuinely missed her dad and the fact that he was here with her little sister made it a so much better night. The way her father gazed down at her and the other Estrabao-Cabello girls, his eyes were filled with love. He was the only man in their lives, and he held them with so much protection and care. I smiled to myself as I watched them. But I couldn't help feeling a little jealous though. Don't worry, the good type of jealous. I was never close to my father, let alone ever received a hug from him. He wasn't part of my life growing up because he decided that boozing and sleeping with random women was better than taking care of his family. It sucked watching my friends with their dads and how they were 'daddy's girls'.

I didn't know how into my mind I was, until I felt a hand tug on mine. Sofia tugged me towards the Estrabao-Cabello family with a huge grin on her face. Oh shit.

"Papi! This is my friend, Y/N.", she said jumping in place. "Y/N, this is my dad."

She pointed at the tall man while I gave him an awkward wave. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. My eyes briefly met Camila who was watching me intently before I looked at her father straight on and stuck out my hand.

"Buenas senor. Gusto en conocerlo. (Evening sir. It's a pleasure to meet you.)"

I must have surprised him because he raised his eyebrows while looking at me. He hesitantly took my hand. What he did next, scared the shit out of me...

He tugged me hard towards him and gave me the most terrifying scowl I've ever seen.

"So, you're the famous Y/N, huh?"

My instinct kicked in and instead of cowering in fear, I stood up straight and gripped his hand back. He gave me a sly smile which only caused my heart to beat faster. Camila tugged on her father's arm.

"Papa.", she said embarrassed.

He ignored her and we continued our stare down. Sinu and Sofia just watched us. I nodded to his question and gave him a glare of my own.

"Well Y/N, I only have one question for you", he leaned into my ear. I was expecting him to threaten me with death or say he'll put me in a ditch but what he said next was... unexpected. "Chivas or America?", he whispered.

He pulled back, still holding his glare on me. I looked around to see Sinu chuckling lowly. Huh? I looked back at Mr. Cabello and could see his face starting to falter. He wanted to laugh but tried holding onto his intimidating face. I let out a small chuckle, which made Camila frown.

"Uh, well if I have to speak in all honesty... I'm going to have to say, El America. They have a great squad this year and the coaching isn't half bad. Plus, I always thought the color yellow has been super underrated.", I looked over at Camila who gave me a small smile. She liked the color. "But Chivas has done great things throughout soccer history, so really it doesn't matter which team takes the gold as long as it's one of the two."

I patted his shoulder and gave him a confident smile. I may have just dug my own grave.

He stared at me a little longer until he finally broke and let out a laugh of his own. He patted my shoulder with a little too much strength. He let my hand go and wrapped it around Camila, who was just as confused as I was.

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