Chapter 1

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After an hour-long conversation with my mother, I was finally making my way to SFO. My mother was extremely upset at the turn of events of tonight. Not really about my sudden leaving but what went down with Sabrina. Since the beginning of my relationship with her, she never really liked her. But because I was so in love and head over heels, she kept her opinions to herself and just let me be. She was relieved that she wouldn't have to tolerate Sabrina any longer. She did give me la bendicion (catholic blessing) over the phone and wished me the best of luck. She said that she would miss me and that she and my brothers would be okay. My second oldest brother recently lost his job around the same time my family was evicted from our childhood home, hence why I worked two jobs to help out. I sent my brothers quick goodbye texts and let them know that I'd be leaving my car in the parking lot of the airport. I also sent Sally and a few more close friends texts explaining my situation. They were all happy for me and wished me luck. I made it through TSA security and looked for my flight. Mr. Dukes had sent me my flight details through email. He was a bit surprised at my quick decision but he liked my 'spunk' and agreed to fly me out tonight. I finally made it to my gate and on top read 'SAN FRANCISCO TO MIAMI'. I guess that'll be home. I looked at my phone and saw that my flight didn't leave for another hour. I noticed someone from janitorial walk through an open a door that led outside. He left it open. I was feeling a bit stressed and figured a smoke would calm me down. Slipping through the same door, I left it a bit open so I could come back in. I pulled a stick of Newport and placed it in my mouth. I dug through my leather jacket looking for my matches. I pulled out the small packet and saw that I had also pulled something else out. Looks like an old receipt. I lit my cigg and instantly felt relief. Man did I need that. I took a couple more drags of smoke. The nicotine flowed through my body and just de-stressed my entire system. This is all I need. I noticed the receipt was still in my hand. I was about to toss it when something caught my eye. There was writing on it besides the normal price stuff. I opened it up and instantly smiled at the cute writing on the bottom half.

"Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation." – Amadeus Wolfe

I really enjoyed meeting you Y/N. You have a beautiful mind and a funny heart. Let's get to know each other? Here's my number {LOL insert number here} – x.x. Karla AKA Spider-man

I let out a low laugh at the small note. Karla, you dork. I couldn't help remember our little banter we had during my lunch today. She literally got mad cause I was smoking. And not just that but took my cigg and stepped on it. I won't deny it though. She was super cute. The way she looked with her hands on her hips and that funny frown. Actually, she looked kind of sexy too. I stared at the number she had written and figured I'd send her a text. I mean, not a few hours ago I was working two jobs trying to get by and now I'm heading to Miami, Florida to live my dream and do what I'd always wanted. Plus, she wanted to get to know each other as friends so why not.

To: Dork 🙉

"People inspire you or they drain you. Pick wisely." – Hans F Hanson

I typed my text and sent it. She's not the only one who is deep into quotes. My phone vibrated in my hand. I looked down and saw that she was calling. Karla was calling me. This girl. I picked up after the third ring.

Y/N: Hello?

Karla: Y/N! It's so good to hear your voice!

Y/N: We literally just met today.

Karla: I don't care.

She was silent then spoke up.

K: It's been 10 hours, 19 minutes and something seconds since I gave you my number. Why are you just texting?

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