Chapter 7

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I lifted my hand and knocked three times. I waited a couple of seconds before the door swung open to reveal a very confused Cabello.

"Hey! You're not pizza?"

In the doorway stood a small girl no more than eight years old. She looked a little like a small Camila... oh shit! Is this Sofia? 

I knelt in front of the little girl and gave her a friendly smile.

"Hey there little one. My name's Y/N.", I stuck my hand out for her to shake. She hesitated at first, which I understand, but then eventually shook. She gave me a giggle which made me return one of my own.

"Is that flower for me?", she said pointing at the rose in my hand.

"Actually, this one is for your sister.", I said still kneeling, "But...", I said taking out my keys and removing one of my key chains, "This is for you."


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She squealed at my small gift, which made me smile. It was a key chain I had bought a few days ago because Regina and Alison wanted matching tattoos for all three of us. I already have some ink on my body and I'm not looking to get something stupid right now, so we settled on getting key chains.

"Thank you! He's so cute!"

"No problem kiddo.", I said while ruffling her hair. She playfully shoved my hand away.

"I like you Y/N."

"Well, I'm happy to hear that."

I heard foot steps from inside get close. Soon there was an older woman standing at the door.

"Sofia, what did I say about answering the door?", the older woman scolded.

"I know mami, but I thought it was the pizza!"

I let out a small chuckle, making the older now turn to me.

"Hello, can I help you?"

Suddenly, my mouth went dry. My palms got sweaty and I became hot and uncomfortable. This woman was Camila's mom. I cleared my throat and tightened my grip on the flower.

"Buenas noches senora. Mi nombre es Y/N. Gusto en conocerla. Vengo a recojer a Camila. (Evening ma'am. My name is Y/N and it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm here to pick up Camila.)"

Camila's mother suddenly looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ah! You're Y/N!", I nodded my head yes and she gave me a warm hug. She caught me off guard with the gesture but nevertheless I hugged her back.

"Please, come in.", she gestured me to come in and shut the door behind me.

"Would you like something to drink mija?", she asked making her way to where I presume was the kitchen.

Forever and Always (Camila Cabello/You)Where stories live. Discover now