Chapter 2

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** 4 hours earlier

Camila's POV:

I'm awakened by the blaring alarm on my phone. Oh hell no. I blindly reach over my night stand to shut it off. When I finally do, I settle back into the covers and try to get back to sleep. My effort is short lived because my mom knocks on my bedroom door and let' herself in.

"Mija, ya es hora! Levantate si es que quieres desayunar! (Sweetheart, it's time! Get up if you want breakfast!)"

I let out a frustrated groan and pull the covers over my face. I thought my mother had left when I didn't hear anything else. But I was sorely mistaken when I felt her pull my covers completely off me. I flapped around in bed and whined at the air hitting my body. It was warm but still. My mother laughed at my reaction exited my room.

Management was having the girls and I head in early to the studio today. I really don't understand why though. We had already completed the European and Asian legs of our Reflection tour (I know the dates are a bit off but just pretend for the sake of the story 😊) and let me just say we were super exhausted. This tour is not even near done and we were already getting booked in different cities for interviews for our next album. Just last night the girls and I flew in from San Francisco. We usually would be recording in LA but the luckily for me, we were booked at a meet and greet here so they just flew us to Miami.

I yawned and stretched out my arms while still in bed. I grabbed my phone and aimless scrolled through my twitter feed. I smiled at all the cute comments our fans would leave for us! There was one tweet though that caught my attention.

@Holly5H215 – OMG, just took a selfie with @rockwithjuno here at Walgreens!

I laughed at the expression Juno had on her face. it was her ducking a duck face with her tongue sticking out. I felt so bad that she had not slept a wink at all the night before due to me and my emotional breakdown. I recently had just broken up with who I thought was the love of my life, but I was wrong...

Memories from yesterday soon flooded my mind. Y/N. The girl I met in the city yesterday. She was so sweet and looked very sincere when she spoke to me. And I mean, that's saying a lot. She didn't have to at all though. I literally invaded her space and like told her not to smoke. It's just, ugh! I hate it when people smoke! It's so bad for you and you age faster! Plus... for some reason, it infuriated me when I saw Y/N do it. I didn't know her at all and it was none of my business what she does with her life, but something inside me screamed at me to get her attention. In a way, I'm sort of happy I did. For one, she was totally hot. I mean, she was just in black skinny jeans and her uniform shirt, but did she work it! She had this weird brooding thing going on and she just looked so attractive. Plus, the small dimple on her right cheek when I made her laugh was just a site. Another thing too, her laugh. It was low and rich. Like it came from the heart. I will say it bothered me somewhat when she said she had a girlfriend. I really don't know why but it just did. Well whoever she is, she better be making Y/N happy.

I decided to send her a good morning text. Yes it's morning here and there is like a three-hour difference from here and San Francisco, but she'll see it when she makes up, right?

To: Y/N the smoker

Good morning! May your coffee be hot and your eyeliner be even.

I laughed at what I sent her. I'm so funny and clever. I decided it was time for me to get up and get ready.

It was a little passed 7AM when Shawn, our dance instructor, told us to take a five-minute break. I decided to step out of the dance studio for a breather. Shawn likes testing us t our limits and to be honest I can't dance for shit. But this tour is about growing up and showing that our music has really matured like us girls have. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and was super surprised when I saw that Y/N had sent me a text.

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