Scene 9

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I can't believe this. Why is she so pretty? Why the hell is she so perfect?! 

Oh God, forgive me but I'm falling in love again. Can I have another chance? Probably not.

"Jihoon?Hello?" Joshua, waved his hand in front of me. "U-uh, yeah?" I laughed nervously, fanning myself. "I was asking you if you can reach for the plate?" He looked at me with concern.

"Here you go, hyung." Chan passed him the plate. "THANK YOU, Chan." He glared at me.

I feel so nervous. Why the hell am I sweating?...


When we came inside this large house, I wandered around the living room since I thought that only Joshua-oppa owns the house. The house looked decent, I like it. It's clean and neat.

"Sit here." He smiled then sat down with us. 

"Oh. Oppa, Do you live alone? Did Chan just visit?" I asked as I looked at him, smiling. He shook his head then smiled. "Chan, Jun, Seungkwan, Soonyoung and Jihoon lives in this house with me, plus Hansol." Jihoon? Lee Jihoon?

"He's here?" Oh no, how can I face him. "Who?" Joshua asked, looking at me. "I-I-ah, Nothing." I shook my head while looking down. 

"Hyung, We're here." A guy said through the glass door. 

"Oh, Let's go. The food's here." Joshua stood up with Vernon helping him. Lisa and I just stood up awkwardly 'cause, you know, we're the only girls in this oh so pretty house.

"Here, Noonas." Vernon told us to follow them because if we don't, we might get lost in this enormous house.

As we were walking pass by the stairs, We stopped walking when we heard shouting. "Chan! wait! hold o--" I saw a boy rolling down the stairs, Then he stopped in front of us, stood up and looked at me. 

"Hey, Jihoon."

Wow, he looked so freaking cute and handsome at the same time. Wait, what? 

Am I falling in love with him again?...

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