Scene 6

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After 1 year


"Noona, Let's go!" Vernon said, pulling me down the stairs. "Wait up, Nonie!" I said as I pulled Lisa down the stairs too.

"Hurry!!We're late!" Vernon said, happy. "Lisa, are you excited?" I asked Lisa who was now laughing.

"Of course, I am!" Lisa said, walking to the front door of Vernon's house.

If you're asking why we're here? We used to hang out here since the day we saw Vernon walking alone (you know, the "Isn't that Vernon?" scene). 

Well, our house were just a few blocks away from each other and Vernon wasn't allowed to stay outside his house at night so we chose to sleep there for a few days or weeks, or months. 

The three of us got really close. Really close, I mean not literally.

And of course, there comes a day when we have to leave New York to come back to our birthplace, Korea.

"Naeun!" We're here!!" Lisa shook me as I snapped back into reality.

"Did we use a bus or just ran?" I asked, confused. We're now at the airport, weird, right?

"We used a car, Noona." Vernon said, trying his best not to laugh. 

I didn't have any time to have contact with Jihoon the whole 1 year because I didn't want to be bothered. I want to enjoy my year  y'know?

Now, I'm going back to Korea. And when we get there, we'll be staying over by his house for a little while.

He said that there was a big pool there.

"Plane 3758 to Seoul, South Korea. The plane will be boarding now,"  That was so quick.

"Let's go!!!" Lisa pulled us inside the plane.

"Woah!" Lisa looked around the big plane. So childish.

"Vernon?" I took a glance at my cousin who was on his phone.

"Yes, Noona?" He smiled at me, waiting for my question. "When will I see Jihoon again?" I asked, hoping that he'll answer me with a 'later, Noona'.

"Next week, Noona. I'm sorry but we'll have to take care of our things at our dorm first then you can meet him again, I promise!" He smiled then kissed my forehead. Don't think the other way, we're cousins, note that. It's just his mannerism since he has a sister.

I'm finally going to meet him again.

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