The Last Scene

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It's been a week since the day we visited Jihoon and the others. I'm not home right now, I'm in my brother's house. Nayeon's here too. I missed them.

If you're asking, Taehyung is my brother. Kim Taehyung. 

"So, sis. What's up?" He asked, lying down on the floor of his room. "Dude, don't lie down there." I shooed him off the rag on his floor.

"Hey, I just cleaned my room." He stood up, dusting off his pants. "Naeun!" Nayeon yelled from the hallways of my brother's house. "Yes?" I asked, opening the door from his room.

 "Jihoon's downstairs!" She placed her palms on her knees, breathing heavily. "Wh-what? How did he know tha--"

"I told him." I took a glance at the mirror beside me, "Taehyung! Why would you do that?!" I glared at him.

"Listen, Naeun. I'm doing this for your sake. I don't want to see you crying everyday just because of what might happen. Jihoon was given scholarship in Japan, He kept on telling me that It'll be much easier if he just left without letting you know but he was crying yesterday, right here in my room. He told me that he'll be leaving Korea later. But If you tell him not to go, He'll not go. Please, just please let him stay." My brother explained then pleaded. 

"He's leaving?..." I trailed off, about to cry.

 My world shattered. My heart felt like ripping itself into pieces.

"Taehyung-hyung! I'm leaving now, hurry!" 

As soon as I heard that voice, I ran downstairs where Jihoon was. I stood in front of him, panting real hard. "N-Naeun? Why're y-you here?" He asked, confused.

"Jihoon, I--" 

"1 hour and 58 minutes left before the plane lifts off." Taehyung said, looking at his expensive phone. I'm crying, oh no.

"Jihoon, I'm sorry because I left you and didn't inform you. I'm sorry because the only thing you knew was that me and Wonwoo were dating. We really didn't date though. And I-I-I'm sorry for making you wait for 1 year, I'm sorry, I'm sorry because...." I wiped my tears before continuing.

"I-I'm sorry because I wasn't there on your birthday after the graduation. I'm sorry for being late on our very first date. I'm sorry for treating you so bad. I'm really really sorry for being a bad girlfriend and I still like you, Can we start over again? I'm really sorry for being such a b--"

He didn't let me finish my oh so long sorry message and just held onto my chin and kissed me. He kissed me as if no one was watching. He kissed me like the first time we had a date. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

"Damn, Girl. You talk too much." He chuckled. I almost melted. "Yes, Naeun. We can start over again." He smiled at me, still holding onto my chin. 

"Thank you, Jihoon."

"And...They lived happily ever after." My brother clapped as Nayeon glared at him.

"Stupid," She rolled her eyes. "Let's end it like this.."

"Every story has their own happy ending but not all stories have happy endings. But in this plain and simple story, Naeun and Jihoon had lots of problems in their life because of their relationship..." Nayeon was holding onto a mic that wasn't even working.

"And after so many long long long DECADES, they finally made up and now, they can live peacefully. Now, Nayeon. leave them alone." He pushed her towards the kitchen and then he followed her. Lol.

"Now, can we kiss again?" Jihoon asked, smiling at me. "How about your scholarship in Japan?" I asked, worried that there might not have another scholarship given to him. 

"It's fine, Naeunnie. I didn't want to leave too. I might die If I didn't see you again. I can just take my college here in Korea. I don't want some long distance relationship. Naeun, don't ever cheat on me, okay?" He cupped my cheeks then pecked my lips.

"I didn't cheat on you, Jihoon!" I pouted. He kissed me once again.Once he let go, I smiled at him.

I love you, Lee Jihoon...

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