Chapter 2

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Huge thanks to Simon_Snow for editing this, give her some love, and go follow her.


I feel myself slowly start to wake, the first thing I feel is the overwhelming pounding in my head. I squeeze my eyes shut as tightly as I can, when I feel someone's cold hands nudge my shoulder. "Leave me alone, I'm going to sleep forever." I groan pulling the duvet over my head.

"I have Advil." the voice tries coaxingly.

"Where the fuck am I by the way?" I mumble, still refusing to open my eyes.

"Maybe if you open your eyes, you'd be able to figure it out dumb ass." the voice replies playfully. Who's home am I in? The voice sound familiar, but I can't pinpoint who it is.
"Who the hell are you, and why am I at your house?!" I ask as I slowly start to contemplate the possibility of staying under these blankets forever.
"Well I'd hope you'd know who I am, and as for why you're here, your guess is as good as mine." That's when I realise where I am. I slowly emerge from my blankety fortress, and open my eyes groggily. I take the Advil he offers gratefully, and look up at him. He just smiles gently at me, it's a good look on him it softens his sharp features.  "Do you remember anything from last night?" He ask, whilst shoving my legs to the side, and plopping down heavily next to me on the bed.
"No, not really.... Why? What happened?" I ask now slightly concerned.
"All I know is that you showed up at my house around midnight, and were blackout drunk." He tells me with a shrug, leaning back slightly.
"Yeah, but nothing really happened, like between us... Right?" I ask awkwardly.
"If you're wondering if we fucked, we didn't." He replies evenly. A smirk playing on his lips, obviously amused with how uncomfortable asking that question made me. "Although you do get pretty handsy when your drunk." Baz teases with a smirk. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.

"Sorry." I stammer out, while an awkward smile presses itself into my face. Baz just laughs light heartedly and presses his lips to the side of my cheek, I turn my face to meet him there, and pull him into a real kiss. Baz wraps his arms around my torso, pulling me closer. "So what exactly happened last night?" I ask curiously, pulling out of the kiss and resting my head against Baz's chest.
"I'm just curious." I begin tracing lines up and down his stomach, loving the way he sharply inhales in what i'm guessing is a mix of surprise and excitement.

"There really isn't much to tell. We kissed a bit, you were very determined to get our shirts off; that never happened though," I laugh lightly. "Oh and you got sick on my floor and passed out." Simon just looks at me confused (it's really cute his eyebrows are furrowed together and a couple small lines appear). I press a kiss to the middle of his forehead, smoothing out the slight creases.
"Wait, if I passed out on the floor, then how did I get in the bed?" He asks it like its an actual genuine question, like he can't even come up with any possibility as to how he got up here.
"I carried you." I giggle   

"Wow, how strong are you?" He asks reaching over and grabbing my upper arm. I laugh and swat his hand away.
"You really underestimate me." I role on top of him, and kiss him hard. I don't know where that sudden burst of passion came from, but I wanted to kiss him, so I did. It strikes me as absolutely beautiful that I'm able to do that now, I can kiss him. Simon kisses me back, his chin jutting out slightly.
"You know, you should have let me at least take my own shirt off last night." He tells me, his face barely millimetres away from mine.
"Oh and why is that?" I ask playfully, grabbing him by the waist.
"I always sleep with my shirt off." he replies cheekily.
"Well then, why don't you take it off now?" I challenge, running my hands under his shirt, and across his stomach.
"Hmm, yeah, I don't think so." Simon chides with a cheeky smile on his lips. He jumps up off the bed, standing in front of me. "You missed your chance." he teases, a smile spreading across his face, making his eyes crinkle in the corners. I reach my arms forward, and wrap them around his waist. I lace my fingers together, letting them rest on the small of his back. I pull Simon back towards me (a bit to fast apparently). He stumbles forward slightly, landing in my lap. He's facing me, staring at me with those extraordinarily ordinary blue eyes. He has both hands pressed against my chest, I can feel the warmth passing through my shirt. His legs resting in a slightly contorted position. He adjusts himself, so that he now has his legs wrapped around my waist. I hold him by the shoulders, letting our lips find each other's once again, and relish the sensation. I pull back and look him in the eyes, he smiles brightly at me and I can't help but smile back. I'm about to kiss him, but a slight rumbling stops me. I realize it's his stomach, and laugh.

"I'm going go grab us something to eat." I declare. Simon smiles up at me.

"Do you by any chance have any scones?" He asks excitement dripping into his voice.

"Possibly..." I reply a playful grin playing on my lips.

________________________________be sure to vote If you have any criticisms, comments or suggestions, I'd love you hear from you folks :). Have a good night:)

Drunk Nights and Late Decisions (snowbaz)✔️Where stories live. Discover now