Chapter 7

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Huge thanks to Simon_Snow for editing this, give her some love, and go follow her.

We're sitting at Fiona's dark wooden table, Simons sitting beside me, his leg shaking nervously.

"So Baz what've you been doing? Well, besides the Mage's heir?" She laughs, I just scowl in response.

"Come on Baz lighten up, tell me about school, what's been happening?" She presses, I hate to admit it, but I have missed talking to her.

"Is actually been pretty good, like school is still shit, but it's nice coming back to our room, and getting to be around each other." I look over at Simon, and see him spacing out eyes fixed on the wall. I grab his hand under the table, and see his eyes slowly refocus.

"So, why're you guys here?" Fiona asks, getting up to turn off the screaming kettle.

"Its a bit of a long story." I tell her, hopping she'll drop it. Of course though, she doesn't.

"I've got time to spare." She smirks, turning away from us and grabbing the kettle. I scowl at her back, knowing she doesn't need to see me to know I'm annoyed.

"Well, my dad walked in on me and Simon, and kinda flipped out. He kicked us out, and I was hoping we could crash here for the rest of the winter break?" I tell her shortly. Fiona's face drops, I can tell she's chewing her cheeks trying to figure out what to say.

"Yah, of course you can stay here." She responds distractedly, getting up and grabbing her phone.

"What're you doing." I ask frantically grabbing the phone out her hand.

"I was going to give that piece of shit, a piece of my mind." She responds, the words coming out of her mouth dripping with defensiveness.

"Please don't, I don't what him to get the pleasure of knowing that I'm still thinking about him, and what he said." I tell her, trying to keep my voice calm. Simon starts rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb, I didn't realize how fast my heart was racing till now. So far Simon hasn't said a single word, I feel bad, knowing how uncomfortable he must be feeling right now.

"Fine." She concedes, putting her phone down. "Did you guys bring anything with you? Do you need help bringing it in?" She asks, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

"Um, yah, just one suit case though." I respond, getting up to go retrieve it.

"I can go get it!" Simon pipes up, I can tell how desperate he is to leave the dryness of this conversation.

"Okay, here." I toss him the keys, and surprisingly he catches them.

As soon as the door closes behind him, Fiona turns to me seriously. "Do you trust him?" She asks, and my heart drops in disappointment.

"What?" I ask, hoping I misheard her.

"Simon, do you trust him?" She repeats urgently looking back towards the door.

"Oh course, why wouldn't I?" I ask incredulously.

"Baz, you may be in love, and I think that's great, but that doesn't change the fact that he's the Mage's heir. He might have it out for you, after all the things you tried to do to him, I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of cruel elaborate setup." She responds, and I genuinely don't think she could sound more condescending if she tried.

"Wow, Fiona, I really thought that out of everyone in the family, you'd be the one that would be happy for me." I tell her getting up and walking to the exit, as Simon opens door. He steps back surprised, expecting me to be at the table.

"Baz, wait. You know I didn't mean it like that." She grabs my arm and forces me to turn around. I look her dead in the eye, not letting my hard demeanour melt when I see the hurt on her face. "I just want to make sure you don't get hurt." She explains.

"Why don't you show us where we're sleeping." I ask pointedly, desperately needing to cool down.

________________________________I'm supposed to be studying for math right now, but instead I'm writing a poorly written gay fic????? Anyway If you have any criticisms, comments, or suggestions, I'd love to hear from you folks. Be sure to vote if you liked it (it really helps to see if you're enjoying it)

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