Chapter 6

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Huge thanks to Simon_Snow for editing this, give her some love, and go follow her.

"Turn left right up here." Baz tells me, as I guide the car up the winding wooded road. I don't know where the day went, the sun is already starting to dip below the trees, which isn't that surprising considering it's winter.

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask, finally feeling that it's okay to break the silence. We've been driving for about a half hour, Baz only speaking to tell me when to turn.

"We're, um. We're going to my aunts house." He tells me, there's a small smirk on his face and I'm not sure why.

"Does she know about... us?" I ask nervously, having the impression so far, that I am not welcome in the family.

"No, but she'll love you, just to spite my dad." He smiles, and I can tell he's lost in thought. "She's the only person I've really come out to, she was actually pretty cool about it." He tells me, the look in his eyes tell me everything. I just pray that she doesn't hate me, because as much as I'm sure Baz would never admit it, he looks up to her.

"She sounds awesome." I tell him.

"She is." He agrees, the stupid smile on his face growing as he leans his head against the window.

"Which aunt is it, by the way?" I ask wanting to make sure I know her name before I have to talk to her.


"Fiona?!" I exclaim, suddenly feeling a wave of dread wash over me.

"Yah, why?" He asks, furrowing his brow.

"Isn't she the one that put you up to stealing my voice?! She hates me!" I tell him. Realizing I've been gripping the wheel hard enough for my bones to crack, I try to relax.

"Yah, but.... ummm." He trails off.

"Baz!" I exclaim.

"I promise she's chill, okay. I'll make sure it's fine, calm down." Baz turns back to look out the window. "Just down this street, then we're there." He tells me, and I feel my chest tighten.

"Okay." I follow his instructions, and suddenly we're parked in front of a surprisingly normal looking house. "You sure this is it?" I ask.

"Yup, she chose to go for a less... traditional style." He explains, already getting out of the car. I get out and follow him, not particularly excited to get any closer to this house.

He turns around to see me lagging behind his long stride, and roles his eyes. "Come on, it'll be fine." He assures. I catch up to him as he rings the door bell, and can feel my heart hammering in my chest, I take a breath, and then the door opens.

"Hey, Baz? what's-" she stops, and looks at me dead in the eye. I try to meet her gaze confidently, but I know I must look terrified. "Why'd you bring the Mage's heir here?" She ask, still staring me down. For a 5,5" woman, she's incredibly intimidating.

"I didn't, I brought my boyfriend." He tells her calmly, I'm surprised my how quickly her gaze softens.

"Boyfriend?" She repeats, raising an eyebrow.

"Yup." He slings an arm around my shoulder, and I feel a blush creeping up my neck annoyingly.

"Well, come in then I guess." She rolls her eyes.

"Fuck off, you're happy to see us." Baz responds playfully.

"Maybe." She admits, and pulls Baz into a hug. It's kind of heart warming seeing the way they interact, I feel a weird twinge of jealousy, but try to ignore it.

"Come on in, boys. I'll make you some tea."

________________________________ "let people hate you for who you are, but never let people love you for who you are not."-Miles Mckenna. Idk I just really wanted to share that quote with y'all. Anyway If you have any criticisms, comments or suggestions, I'd love you hear from you folks :). Have a good night:)

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