Chapter 5

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Huge thanks to Simon_Snow for editing this, give her some love, and go follow her.

After managing to get us lost twice while using the car's GPS, I eventually park the car along the road of a small family run coffee shop. Baz gives me a confused smile, but follows me in anyway.

"So why're we here?" He asks, sitting down across from me.

"Why not?" I shrug, and inhale the beautifully familiar scent of pastries and coffee.

"So there's no reason we're here?" He asks sceptically, I'm not sure what he's expecting me to say.

"Of course there is." I manage to say it with a straight face.

"What's is it?!" He asks his impatience is palpable.

"I'm hungry." I tell him, then direct my attention to the menu. I look up, and see him trying to hide his smile, to glare at me. "Also the Mage and I'd always stop here, when he picked me up to take me to Watford, back when I was younger and I needed help getting there." I tell him. "It just has a really calming atmosphere, and I thought you'd appreciate it." I add, Baz gives me a small smile, and grabs my hand under the table. I pull my hand out of his and rest it on the table, my palm facing up as an open invitation.

"Why'd you do that?" He asks, placing his hand on mine, a small smiling pulling at his face.

"Because I wanted to." I reply cheekily, he blushes, and turns his attention to the menu

"So what do you suggest?" He asks eyeing the menu.

"What do you think?" I smirk, reaching over and pointing to the dessert section.

"Sour cherry scones? Wow betraying Cook Pritchard's famous recipe?" He laughs.

"Where do you think she got the recipe?" I ask, raising my eyebrows challengingly.

"Wow, No way." He laughs, then looks back up at me thoughtfully. "Thanks for taking me here, you're right, it is nice." I smile in response.

"I'm glad you like it."

When the waiter comes around, Baz orders coffee, and I get a hot chocolate. As much as I like the smell of coffee, I can't handle the taste. We order some actual food, but I tell him we aren't allowed to leave till we try the scones. We drink our respective drinks, and enjoy each others presence, not talking much, but I don't mind.

"So, have you thought about what we're going to do?" I ask, scared to break the silence with such a heavy question.

"Watford?" Baz suggests.

"Watford's closed by now, I could try and call the Mage, but all things considering, he probably won't pick up." I frown.

Baz stares down into his coffee, stirring is slowly. "The Mage is a cunt." He mumbles.

"What?" I ask, not caring to hide the searing anger that statement brought up in me.

"The way he treats you is awful, it isn't normal for an adult to send a child off to fight his battles for him. And on top of that, he never checks in on you or answers you directly, you bend over backwards for him, and he barely even acknowledges you." He states it like he isn't talking about the person who's the closest thing to a father I have.

I think about bringing up his father, and how shitty he is, but I stop and think. Penny's always telling me to think before I speak, and for the first time I actually take that advice. Baz truly has my best interest in mind, he's trying to help. Being an asshole about his dad isn't going to help anything. "Maybe you're right, but he's the closest thing I have to a Dad." I mumble.

He purses his lips, then continues to sip his coffee. There's a weird tension between us, and really hate it.

"I know where we can stay." He mumbles after a while. He gets up and walks to the front to pay. I follow him annoyances twinges in my chest, I hate how's scattered he is. I follow him out the door, and get back into the car. I beat him to the drivers side, and take my spot there. He gets in on the other side, and puts a random address into the GPS. I follow the instructions, and keep my mouth shut. Baz has been through a lot, and I need to be patient with him, even if it is hard.

________________________________So I've been pretty absent, my motivation has high-key gone down the drain, but I'm trying to keep writing. If you have any criticisms, comments, or suggestions, I'd love to hear from you folks. Be sure to vote if you liked it :)

Drunk Nights and Late Decisions (snowbaz)✔️Where stories live. Discover now