Chapter 4

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Huge thanks to Simon_Snow for editing this, give her some love, and go follow her.


I don't know what to do, what can I do? I can't hear what they're talking about, but I know it's not good. Then suddenly I can hear what they're saying, or maybe shouting would be a better term.

They're swearing and yelling, and I'm sitting uselessly on the other side. When I hear the sound of a punch being thrown that's when I fucking loose it. I don't care if I'm making it worse by going out there, Malcom needs to know that he's wrong.

I take a breath and brush my hair out of my face, before getting up and pushing through the door of Bazs room. In the hallway I see Baz holding his nose, there's thick crimson blood leaking out from his fingers. He glares up at his dad with hatred that I've never seen before.

Malcom grabs his son by his shirt collar, and pulls him closer. "You think I'm okay with having a fucking faggot in my house?" He spits, I'm so genuinely appalled by the look of anger and disgust in his eyes.

"No, but I thought you'd be okay with having your own fucking son in it." Baz shoots back, lowering his hand to let the blood spilling out of his nose run freely. He looks up at his dad, defiance flickering in his eyes.

"You're right, I'm fine with having my son in my house, but as long as you're dating boys, you are not my son." Bazs face drops, his defiance melting to disappointment. Malcom pushes Baz into the wall, he hits it hard, then stumbles back. I step in between them, making sure Baz is behind me.

Malcom looks down at me, his gaze making my blood turn cold. He grabs my collar, but I'm ready for it. As he pulls me closer to him, I stumble forward, and don't hesitate to give him the punch he deserves. I feel a burning sense of satisfaction as I hear something crack. He's to preoccupied with grabbing his jaw to retaliate, So I push him away, not wanting to take this fight any further. He glares at me as Baz grabs my arm, pulling me after him into his room. I turn to follow him, but before I can pass the threshold of the door a hand grabs me from be hind, as I turn around, getting ready to give him a piece of my mind,  I'm met with the jarring impact of Malcom's fist.

Hard knuckles make contact with my face, I gag as thick metallic blood fills my mouth.

"I'm going to go downstairs and grab my wand, I suggest you two aren't around when I get back to figure out what I intend to do with it." Malcom growls. I think about going after him, but I realize that Baz isn't behind me. I walk back into his room, to see him throwing clothes and other miscellaneous things into a suitcase. There's still blood leaking out of his nose, but he's paying no attention to it. I look down at my slowly bruising hands, and only now realize that I'm shaking.

Baz turns to me, his eyes blown out like he's about to attack. I step to the side as he walks through the door, not trusting him to not plow me down if I get in his way. He's half way down the hall when he turns around to see me, frozen in place not sure if he wants me to follow him.

"Simon. Hurry up" he says it just loud enough for me to hear. As we get to the front, Malcom appears again. A weird look of calm sets into Bazs face, as he turns to make eye contact with his stony gaze.

"This is your last chance to get out of my house." Malcom growls. I'm expecting Baz to say something, instead he grabs my face and kisses me. He pulls away, smiles, and spits our mixed blood on the floor.

"Go to hell." Bazs voice doesn't waver, and we turn and leave his house. He pulls a ring of keys from his pocket, and drags the teeth along the side of every car in their driveway until we get to the last one. It fills the air with the shrieking sounds of metal on metal, making my ears bleed. He unlocks the doors, and gets in the drivers side. I quickly get in on the other side, my door's barely closed as Baz pulls out of the driveway and speeds down the empty road.

• • •

We've been driving for about an hour, the silence is killing me, I want to ask him how he's doing, I want to do something. Right now though, I don't know if the conversation is welcome. I look over to study his face, and am not surprised to see tears still silently falling from his eyes. There's dried blood clinging to his upper lip, slowly falling off every time he chews his lip.

"Baz?" I start quietly, not wanting to scare him with the sudden noise.

He swallows dryly, and takes a breath before answering. "Yah?"

"I love you." I mumble, resting my hand on his leg, and resting my head on his shoulder. He lets out a breath, and places his hand over mine.

"I love you too." He responds, his face still looking eerily blank.

"How're you feeling?" I ask, already knowing the answer, but I'm hopping that talking about it will make it easier for him to process it.

"Well my dad just kicked me out, I have barely anything with me, and I think we're lost, cuz I have no fucking clue where I'm driving. So all together not that great." his voice is a mix of anger, and fake nonchalance. All I want to do is hold him, and tell him that everything will be okay.

I settle for the next best thing and just wrap my arm around his shoulder. I notice the dark circles around his eyes, and wonder if they're from stress or genuine exhaustion.

"Baz?" I start again.

"Hmm?" He responds, still not taking his eyes off the road.

"Do you want me to drive?" I ask gently.  He lets out a tired breath, and pulls over.

"Yah, that'd be great. Thanks." He responds, getting out of the car, and into the pouring rain. I get out and walk around the side of the car. Baz is leaning against the hood, looking out across the road. We're some where on a mountain with a large clearing across from us, the mountains parallel to us are barely visible through the clouds. "It's beautiful" he mumbles, his eyes continuing to comb over the scenery.

"Yah, it really is." I agree, leaning back on the hood of the car beside him. I rest my hand on his, he turns it around to lace our fingers together.  His stoney gaze studies our hands, before looking back up at me. There's a sad smile playing on his lips, I lean forward and kiss him lightly. "We're going to be okay." I tell him, he brakes eye contact to blink away tears. I run my thumb under his eyes to catch the tears that do fall, and wipe them away. Baz turns back to the clearing across from us, he rests his head on my shoulder. We stay like that for awhile, not speaking, just breathing

"We should probably get out of the rain before we catch a cold." I break the silence after awhile.

"Yah you're probably right." He trails off, distractedly.

"Come on, I think I know where we can go." I smile, resting my head on his shoulder, and pressing a kiss to his neck.
So I've been gone for a bit and a half, it was the last week of my semester this week, so I was super busy. But alas now I'm done, and leaving drama today legit made me cry, so I'm getting over that. If you have any criticisms, comments, or suggestions, I'd love to hear from you folks. Be sure to vote if you liked it :)

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