"Father and Son" Time

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//Virgil's POV//

Roman was busy working so I couldn't really do anything. I was getting bored. I didn't know what to do other than just hang out in my room. 

"Knock knock!" I heard. I turned around and saw Patton standing in my doorway. 

"You know you don't have to say that every time you come in here. Just knock on the door" I said to him. "Though I don't mind it." 

"Aww what's wrong there my little dark prince? What's got your smile upside down?" He asked in a sympathetic voice. I told him I was just bored without Roman since he's busy working. Patton told me the same thing about Logan and how he's working as well.

"Well, that just means you and I can hangout together! Father and son time! How does that sound kiddo?" I thought about it and agreed. There wasn't anything else I could do other than just sit alone in my room in thought while doing nothing.

"Alrighty then! What should we do first? Ooo! I know! Let's play with puppies!" He smiled and summoned a dog. A small black dog. Though I'm not an animal person as much as Patton is, the dog was pretty cute. I just don't know how to handle it.


"What's wrong? It's just a cute wittle puppy wuppy dog! It can't do any harm to you." He said to me.

"It's, uh. Well, it's just that. I've never really known how to handle a dog. You know? I'm scared I might hurt it. You know, anxious." I said as I nervously chuckled. 

"Aw come on sport. You won't hurt it. Trust me. Here" he said as he handed me the small black dog. I started to stutter and question him on what I should do with it.

"Just hold him. He's not one to move to much. All you have to do is hold and pet him." He said. I was a little bit hesitant at first, but started to relax a little bit. I put the small dog in a more comfortable position, or what I thought was a more comfortable position for him. Then I started to pet him.

"See. That wasn't so hard was it?" He said with a smile.

"Yeah. I guess I was just really nervous." 

A few minutes went by, almost like half an hour. I think I dosed off a little and Patton took the dog back. After realizing that I dozed off, I immediately woke up and apologized to Patton.

"No biggie. You looked tired so I let you sleep. You slept for a good 45 minutes if you were wondering." Which I was. 

"Did Roman come back?" I asked. Patton shook his head, telling me that they haven't been back for the last hour. "Huh. Okay then." I sat upright and tried to wake myself up. "What should we do now?" I asked him.

He looked at me and had a surprised look on his face. I questioned him why he was giving me that look. 

"It's just, I didn't know you actually liked hanging out with me. I was just surprised that you wanted to hang out some more." 

"Well, yeah. You aren't that bad. Plus, I'm also hanging out with you because Roman isn't here. But that is no longer the reason." I said to him. That sounded harsh but I didn't mean it to sound like that.

 "We could go and play with puppets? We seemed to have a lot of fun when we were puppets in Thomas' video. Remember? You even sang!" He seemed to be really excited about this idea. 

"Sure. Why not." Patton transformed into his puppet form and so did I. When we did, we went around and goofed off. Playing around, pretending to be others, and sing as well. It was fun. This lasted for a while.

//Patton's POV//

Virgil and I did a lot of random things as puppets. It was really fun! As we were about to do another game, We heard two other voices. We walked downstairs into the living room.

"Oh my goodness! That was some tiresome work! I am so glad we are done." Virgil and I stayed at the end of the stairwell and didn't move. Rather, listen to their conversation.

"Yes that was quite tiresome. A lot of work being done indeed." The two of them walked closer to the stairs, talking about what they did and how much effort was need from the both of them to get the work done. 

As they got to the stairs, they saw the both of us, as puppets.

"Oh. Hello there. What did you two do while we were gone?" Roman asked. I told them about everything that Virgil and I did. Roman then complained about how he wishes he could have played with the dog instead of work. 

I started to laugh. Logan looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and told them that we all should do this someday when we all aren't so busy. As for now. Today was a father and son bonding moment.

Sander Sides One Shots (RomanxVirgil) (PattonxLogan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now