Chapter 4: Daddy Issues

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After the breakfast we talked at the lobby, my friend had to have Jai's autograph and a selfie with him. By the time my friend got what she wanted, some other fans gathered around Jai for attention and autographs. I just stood there and watched all of it, thinking Is this what I got myself into? Standing, waiting. Why? So I could go home and be yelled at by my father because I've done something that reckless. This thing wouldn't last anyway. I need to get out of here. Fast.

I managed to get away without anyone noticing me. I got to my room, packed my stuff and just left. I didn't care where I had to spend my time to wait for the flight but I couldn't spend any time in that hotel room. It reeked of sex, hangover and bad decisions.

After I bought a cup of coffee to go and got to the airport by taxi I sat down and started to google Jai. I scrolled and clicked, read and admired the work he had done. God! There were so many pictures and videos of him. I had to admit that my husband was a very handsome man. Very fit and tall, with a killer abs and amazing smile and.. My thoughts were interrupted with my phone ringing. It was Lily. I waited a moment and slide to answer without saying anything.

"Anna? Where are you? Jai is looking for you." she asked sounding worried.

"I'm.. I'm okay. Really." I assured her and continued, "Not today. I can't. I can't deal with anything."

I ended the call and put my phone in my bag.

What I've got myself into? Into a marriage! Over-FUCKING-night! With a guy you barely knew! Anna, you stupid head! What will father tell you? He had all figured out for you! How can I face him? I have to! I have to..

I assured myself that everything will be alright and my life continues the same as it was before I left. Boy was I wrong....

After few hours of wandering in and out of the shops in airport, Katherine called to let me know that they're also at the airport and where we should meet.

"Where have you been, Anna?!" Kat asked worried when we met.

"Here. And there.", I replied emotionless.

"Why?" Kat asked.

"I had to think, what has happened and what will happen. To me." I answered while I was already going through what will be waiting for me at home. The things that people had said last night made sense, but making things happen just like that was bit more difficult. I'd lose my job, my life, everything I've worked for...

"Anna, but Jai w-" Kat started and I cut her off "No Kat. Don't go there."

They sighed and gathered around me for a group hug.


The flight was long and depressing. I kept to myself, tried to sleep as much as possible. Also the connecting flight was unbearable. I just wanted to go home, crawl under my blanket and forget everything.

At home I dropped my bag to the floor and took a shower. Despite the fact that I didn't have time to shower at our hotel and had to spend hours in airplane, I still smelt him on my skin, on my hair. I washed off all the kisses and tender bites that Jai had left on my skin. All that sweat.. All of his scent. All of it. Like nothing happened. But it did, and the skipping memories and feelings got my heart racing and sparks to my lower abdomen. What is this man doing to me?


My father seemed to be on a business trip at the time I went to work. This gave me time to maybe get away with everything. Hoping that Jai's lawyer would be able to annul the marriage. I continued my life like nothing had happened and tried to act normal. I spoke to Kat and Lily few times. It seemed that Lily and Tom, the guy she hooked up, continued their weekend fling. They were chatting often and sending selfies. Don't wanna know. Non of the girls hadn't dared to speak of Jai, but I know they were following him on Instagram and know what he's been up to. I didn't.

It was third day back in the office when my father came back from his business trip. He greeted me and gave me a hug. We held a meeting at once and after that we stayed there chatting about our trips, obviously I left a big part of it out.

At one moment his secretary Lana came in and asked "Hey Herman, do you know anyone by the name of Courtney?" she gave him the flowers "These came in."

"Courtney..." he said thinking loud so I was able to hear. My blood froze in my veins when I heard the name. I stood still, not able to move.

"Is there any other name besides that?" my father asked frowning his brows.

"Let me see... Yes! Anna, Anna Courtney!" Lana answered puzzled impression on her face.

"Anna? But the only Anna that works here-" my father tried to put pieces together but I cut him off "That's me." Shit, here it comes.

"Anna? Anna! Explain this!" my father demanded. My fathers secretary took the flowers to me and left the room. I touched the dark red rose petals gently and smiled slightly when I remembered who sent them. But my smile faded and I said "I got married. Kind of. In Las Vegas." I breathe in and held my breath. My father walked towards me and stopped in front of me. He inhaled loudly, seemingly irritated, exhaled and hit me. Rough. No mercy. Raw anger and disappointment. The breath that I was holding was punched out of me, his hand colliding with my face. I lost my balance and fell on the floor, cupping my face, all the roses falling around me. My father stood there and stared me for a moment and then he left. His scorning stare on me haunting me, like he was still there.

After a while I managed to gather myself, I wiped my face dry from the tears and walked out of the office. Home. I needed to disappear again.


Thank you for reading :) I hope you liked it. All thoughts and comments are welcome. Thanks :)

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