Bellow diamond 13 (suggested)

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"Do you think its going to be a boy or a girl?"-Mari

"What ever gender it is. We both know we are still going to love him or her with all our hearts."-skyla held her stomach as she roams the bump with her hand. Skyka was a month pregnant and she and Mari were hoping for the best.

"Now for the big reveal."-Mari took a plain vanila cake. They were to cut it open and see the color inside to determine if The child skyla was carrying was either a boy or a girl.

"One. Two"-skyla
"One. Two"-Mari

"Three!"-they both say together as the knife cuts open a slice of cake.





"MARI!!!!! HELP!!!"

I rush over to Skyla's room like my life depended on it. I was so scared, i Don't even know what fell down on my way. All that matters is Skyla.

I immediately opened the door sweaty and out of breath.

"WHAT? WHATS WRONG? ARE YOU OK?... IS THE BABY OK?!"-i said and rushed to her side. She just smiled at me.

"The baby is fine. Im fine..... i called you because i needed help."-S

I sigh in relief. Nothing was wrong and it was just Skyla's pregnant mood swings. I chuckle. I was over worked for nothing again.

Skyla has been doing this from time to time. Calling me like something bad has happened and there i am, hopping it isn't true. Shes been pregnant for 7 months and we are expecting 'her' on march.

"Help for what?"- i held her hand and she held back tightly.

"Help because i couldn't decide how to say 'i love you' to you. Should it go. 'I. Love. You' or something quick like 'ILOVEYOU'.. how about a-"

Yup. Skyla is pregnant. Ive been constantly over worked with my job and her. Her childish antics were adorable, annoying, frustrating and confusing.

She would also ask me to bring her bizarre food combinations like 3 donuts and a hotdog in the middle, sushi with cheese puffs inside, and even ice cream pizza sandwiches. I of course would never allow these disgusting foods to touch past her lips, but when i would get home. She would be eating what ever she can make with the food that was in the fridge. I caught her eating pickles with ice cream. Forgive and forget. Skyla. This will all be worth it.
"What do you think?"-S

I got back to reality as she looked at me with a worried look.

"An 'I love you Mari' will be fine, but it should be accompanied with a kiss to the lips."-M

(No one POV)

"Ok then. I love you Mari."-skyla said and leaned to kiss her wife. Mari just smiled as she felt Skyla's lips meet hers.
When they stopped Mari noticed that Skyla was crying.

"Skyla? What wrong?"-

"So.. so you don't like the other ways i thought of to say i love you?! Are my ideas useless?!"-skyla started to cry and Mari being there with her, gave her a hug.

"No no. Your ideas are amazing.. maybe.. so you want something? I can get it for you."-M

"P-pickles... and strawberry jam please."-Skyla sniffles as tears stream from both her cheeks.

"I will get you something else."-M

"Yena! Come now!"-Mari said as her maid went in nervously.

(Yena= Yellow pearl)

"Yes mistress?"-Yena

"Fetch me a bowl of chicken salad and some water A.S.A.P."-M

"Yes mam!"-Yena immediately took of to prepare Skyla's food

"I have to go love. Theres a meeting in 30 minutes and you know i Don't like being late."-M

Skyla looked at Mari. Her eyes getting sleepy as she didn't say a word and fell right asleep.

Two months later

"THE BABY'S COMING!! MARI!!!!!"-Skyla screamed at the top of her lungs as she realised that her water broke and it was the day. March 21, 2018 3:46 am. Skyla woke up the entire house hold and Marigold was packing the essentials as she ordered both their maids to start the car.

Mari slowly walked Skyla to the car as carefully as she can. Skyla had trouble walking but finally reached the back seat. They left the house as soon as possible.

"DRIVE FASTER!!"-Mari yelled at Yena as she drove almost past the speed limit but arriving to the hospital 7 minutes later.

Brielle(blue pearl) helped skyla out of the car and after, Yena was looking for a place to park. Marigold immediately blasted the doors open.

"I NEED A DOCTOR ASAP! MY WIFE IS GOING THROUGH LABOR!"-Marigold's voice reached the third floor as all the staff that was near her were helping with the situation.

"COME ON! PUSH!"-a female doctor told Skyla as she was breathing in and out like a maniac. Mari and the other two maids were forced to sit out the room and wait. Yena and Brielle sat on nearby chairs while Mari was walking around in circles thinking about any disasters that would happen. She was nervous. She was sweating so much that her pits started to show sweat through her shirt.

"AHHH!!!!!!!"-skyla finally did her last push as the baby had come out. She felt Relieved that all the pain, sweat and hard work was over and now she was rewarded by her and Mari's little angel.

"Ca-can i see her?"-Skyla said excited.

"Just a moment."- the doctor and nurses were cleaning all the blood and other tools. They made the baby sparkling clean as they wrapped her in a smooth and comforting cloth.

"Wah!!"-the baby started to cry as the doctor handed her over to her mother after being cleaned.

"Shes so beautiful!"-S

The doctor called on Mari who was outside the room still walking in circles. The procedure lasted an hour.

"Ms. Marigold. It was a success. skyla and the baby would like to see you now."-Mari walked fast in the room and not delaying any time to see her wife and child.

When Mari saw Skyla, she was in tears. The child had stopped crying and fell asleep. Mari felt a wave of happiness wash her over board. The older woman walked closer to her new family.

"Shes beautiful Skyla!"-Mari started to cry tears of her own.

"I know.. shes perfect."-Skyla

"What do you want to name her?"-M

"..... i think Phoebe is perfect for her."-

Mari looked at her daughter. Her eyes still left a scene of tears.

"He-hello there phoebe!.. its me! Your mom! And here is your mommy! I promise you. This family will be the best."-Mari cradles the baby in her arms.

Skyla laughed as Mari talked to their baby. She still felt tired from all the pressure and pain. She laid back in bed and drifted in sleep.

(Sorry it took a while and it feels fast. I promise i will improve.❤️)

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