Bellow diamond 12 part 3

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"I'm kind of doubting if you can still pay."-L

"Can you stop.. you're talking as if I'm a poor person."-M

"You know. I met your roommate a few hours a-"-L

"Whatever!.. who cares about her! who cares about what she thinks! She's so this!.. and that.. I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE."-Marigold said and slammed her head on the table.

"Shouldn't you go back to Skyla?"-L

"Don't say her name like you know her!"-M

"Geez. Protective much."-L

"Shouldn't you go back to being a greedy hog!"-Mari said slowly getting hit by her drinks. It was like she was fighting the alcohol inside her just enough that she can reach her apartment before becoming unconscious.

Mari left the bar and walked back to her apartment. For some reason. She was hoping that Skyla would wait for her like she always does. She entered her room and saw that for the first time. No Skyla. Marigold didn't know how to feel. Hurt? Happy? She saw a note on the table.

'Ive gone out to buy something.
Hope you're home safely
- Love Skyla.'

Marigold crumpled the paper in her hands and threw it in the trash. She immediately threw up on the floor near the couch. Bits of food turned to mush mixed with alcohol. Mari didn't care anymore and went to bed to let sleep take her in.
The next day

"This is disgusting!"-Skyla said. She got out of her room after a night of 'work' to be greeted, not by the morning sun but with the stench of vomit.

Skyla saw vomit on the living room floor. It was terrible. It smelled of alcohol.

She walked to Her roommates door and banged it angryly.

"Marigold! Wake up!....hello?!"-Skyla banged the door even harder, but she wouldn't wake up.

"What a roommate i have,"-skyla decided to leave her in her room and clean the mess by herself. She was going to talk to Marigold about the situation for sure.
A few hours later

Marigold woke up after a night of drinking. Events that happened before were cloudy to her but she didn't care. She was in her room safely. She went out of her room to have some breakfast since she hasn't eaten in a while.

When Marigold went out. She was greeted by her roommate who was sitting in the kitchen angrily.

"Good afternoon. Nice of you to join me."-Skyla said with a hint of venom dripping from her tone.

"Yea. Whatever."-Marigold got what ever she could find in the fridge since Skyla didn't bother cooking. She got an apple, a piece of bread and some peanut butter.

"You're not even going to say anything?"-S

"Hmmf?"-Mari was confused as to what Skyla said. Her mouth still full of bread. Marigold ignored her and continued with her 'breakfast'.

"You're welcome by the way. I had to clean your disgusting vomit of the floor. You should be thankful!"-Skyla raised her voice at Marigold.

The sober woman swallowed the food she just ate and looked at Skyla as if were to kill.

"Thank you but i could have done it myself... you should stop pestering me and get on with your own life... don't you have a job?"-Mari shot at Skyla

"Wha.— eh.. Don't you?"-Skyla shot back at her.

"You annoying little wanna be mother."-Mari

"You drunk little depressed loser."-Skyla

"So thats how its going to be."-M

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