A Visit

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3'rd Person P.O.V

It was another day of school for Miketsu as she walked into her classroom, 1-A of Third Mikado City Middle School. "Good morning rep," she was greeted by her classmates. Miketsu nodded in reply and sat down, taking out her textbooks. She felt someone glance at her but disregarded it, not feeling any danger. Time passed by as classes went on, Miketsu helping a few of the teachers in between classes every now and then. Nothing really notable happened though and all in all, it was a good morning. When lunch came, it was when there was something interesting. "A-ano," said a girl to Miketsu. Miketsu turned around to see Amatori Chika. She hummed in acknowledgement as Amatori fidgeted. "This is really late but thank you for saving me during the invasion," she said and bowed. People turned to look at them and Miketsu quickly told Amatori to change locations. "I am not the person you should thank. I didn't do much anyways. I simply followed through with a promise."

"No no, I need to thank you." The 2 were both bashful, and even though Miketsu seems otherwise, she usually is. "Oh yeah, after school, would you mind coming to Tamakoma. Of course only if your okay with it!" Miketsu tilted her head in a questioning matter.

"Well, my senpai at Tamakoma wanted to thank you and I heard you helped Osamu-kun."

"Osamu-kun? Mikumo-senpai?"

"Yes, him. We're friends."

"I see. Then, if it's okay with Tamakoma then I will go."

"Also, one more thing. Can we be friends?"

"If you would like to be friends with someone like me then-"

"No no, I should be saying that!" The 2 girls smiled and they silently agreed. They would be friends, and that was final.

Time Skip

"Miketsu-chan, let's go!"

"Okay Chika-chan... Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Of course!" The 2 girls made there way outside to the gates of the school. "Osamu-kun, Yuma-kun," Chika called. The 2 said males turned to Chika and saw Miketsu with her. Osamu widened his eyes and Kuga made a duck-face. Miketsu bowed and straightened up, gripping her book bag strap. "Oh! You're the girl who helped me when I was lost," Kuga said. Miketsu nodded and the other 2 looked on in surprise. "Yuma-kun, you know Miketsu-chan?"

"So that's her name. I'll remember it. I'm Kuga Yuma, it is my pleasure to see you again."

"It is my pleasure to see you again Kuga-senpai. I didn't think you would remember someone like me."

"No, no, you were a huge help."

"Wait, weren't you the c-rank who saved Chika!?"

"Eh, you mean the one you told me about."

"That is me. It is nice to see you recovering Mikumo-senpai."

"Apparently Miketsu did first-aid on you too."

"Really. Then thank you for both of the times we were saved by you." This made Miketsu beyond flustered, her whole face becoming a tomato. Kuga questioned this phenomenon and decided to ask replica or Osamu about this later. "There is no need to thank someone of my caliber. I was simply doing my job and following through with a promise. If any, thank Tachikawa-san or Miwa-san, I think his name was."

"Tachikawa-san? I don't really get it but thanks again. Anyway why did you bring Miketsu-san here?"

"Oh yeah! I was thinking we could all go over to Tamakoma because Shiori-san and the others said they wanted to thank her."

"I see, that's a good idea." The 4 walked towards Tamakoma branch. 'Does Miketsu-san know about Kuga?'

Time Skip

They had arrived at Tamakoma, and they had become slightly closer. They opened the door to be met with Yotaro sleeping on Raijinmaru. "Yo, another newbie perhaps," Yotaro said half asleep. Miketsu looked blankly at Yotaro then placed a dorayaki in front of him. Osamu widened his eyes at this and Yotaro opened his eyes, waking up. "I accept, you can touch Raijinmaru's stomach." Miketsu touched the Capybara's stomach and he rolled over. "Nice to meet you. I am Miketsu of the Shinoda fraction."

"Are you willing to transfer."

"No," Miketsu replied bluntly. Regardless, Osamu and Chika ushered Miketsu into the common area. "Our senpai, aren't here, except from Usami-senpai right now so while I get her, would you like to drink something?"

"Tea then, if that is okay with you."

"I'll make it then," Chika said as Osamu went upstairs to get Usami. "Ne , how much do you know about Tamakoma," Kuga asked.

"I am aware it is a branch with many strong combatants and operators, has 1 or 2 black triggers and has a few neighbors. I heard they work pretty with the senpai of the branch I am in, well more specifically fraction."

"What do you think of humanoid neighbours then?"

"Hmm, it's a bit complicated but I will say this. I'm not really fond of them, which probably includes you, Kuga-senpai." Hearing this, Kuga became more alert and jumped of the couch he was sitting on, Chika who was in the kitchen gasped at this. "Please don't misunderstand. I am not going to attack you or any other humanoid neighbour in this branch for the matter. I simply have to say, it would be a lie to say I don't hate them." Kuga sighed in relief as he sat back down. Replica doing something similar except not sitting. Chika finished making the tea and she brought it to the table, Miketsu thanking her quietly. "I cannot understand why you would be so panicked. There are 3 factors that make your reactions irregular. The first being is that I am in the Shinoda fraction, no excessive damage should be dealt, I will not harm a resident of the city either. The second being, if I were to hypothetically want to eliminate you, I would be doing that in 'enemy territory', which is highly unintelligent to do. Finally, it would be, there is no way I would win. You wouldn't lose to someone who is this unfit for the battlefield." It was then Osamu had brang Usami downstairs and they greeted each other. "Oho, what's this? I'm Usami Shiori, nice to meet you Miketsu-chan. I heard the situation from Osamu and I would like to thank you for it."

"No need to thank me. I didn't do much."

"No need to be humble! Anyways, are you willing to transfer here?"

"Miketsu-san seems to have no intentions of transferring," Replica answered in Miketsu's stead.

"Oh, okay. By the way, how much does she know?"

"About that-"


"Dorayaki time!"

"Konami-senpai, Mikumo texted me that he ate your dorayaki."

"Really Torimaru!? Osamu, get over here!"

"I was lying."


"Guys, behave yourselves. From the number of shoes there are, there seems to be a guest."


Published: 12/08/2018

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