Helping Hand

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3'rd Person P.O.V

It had been 4 days since the rank wars and Miketsu hasn't spoken with Tamakoma branch recently, Reiji being busy and Chika having to prepare for the next battle, being she and her squad was in the middle portion of the rankings. That didn't mean she didn't see them, as they were in the same school and area. Miketsu has passed by Mikumo a few times wether it was at Border or school. She was observant, something that few have noticed, and she could tell that Mikumo was tired, wether it was the furrowed eyebrows, the bountiful sighs, the irritated look on his face, or all of the above is something that only she would know. Anyways, she decided there was yet to be a reason to interfere with his troubles. She also had things to worry about for the next match was drawing near. She would have a few meetings with her captain and she would then be dragged to the solo rank wars area and forced into matches, being told to not use any of the triggers she had yet to use in the rank wars. However the girl did not utter a single complaint through the process, testing out several different tactics instead. All of a sudden, she got a battle request from a fellow gunner. She turned to her captain and she nodded with a grin spreading across her face. Seeing this, Miketsu silently accepted the request, therefore being transported to the virtual stage. When she saw her opponent, she was quit surprised. She took a slightly more defensive stance than the previous matches and took a deep breath. "I must thank you for the request. If it is okay for my lowly existence to battle with you, please allow me to have a good spar with you."

"Wait, you're the rumored Miketsu!?"

When the sound of the countdown finished, Miketsu allowed herself rush in and close the distance between her opponent and herself. Her opponent grinned and took his shotguns up. Miketsu continued her advancement by shielding herself in small areas and utilizing her mobility to dodge each shot. Her opponent tried to keep his distance but while maintaining a steady aim, it was hard for him to move faster than Miketsu. Miketsu  ducked under the shotguns and brought her hand gun up to her opponents forehead. The male quickly paused on his usage of his shotguns and shielded his forehead. However, he didn't notice the asteroid that was set up behind him. The girl bended her back so that it was parallel to the ground the moment she shot with her handgun and her opponent's body was destroyed around his upper body. With that, the match ended and she was sent back to her booth.

"Good work. I guess most b-rankers aren't a match for you."

"My lowly existence is not to be bestowed such words. I am sure he wasn't at his best."

"Hmmmmmm. Well, I think today was a good haul. You're battle style varies on the opponent so it's hard to gather precise data on you but I'll be sure to have that figured that out soon."

Then there was a call from her previous opponent. Miketsu casually accepted it and she was soon greeted. "Hi. Thanks for the match. I've heard rumors of you but you're stronger than I expected. The name's Suwa. Nice to meet you."

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I've heard many things of you from Reiji-san. Also, my lowly existence is yet to be considered strong."

"Reiji? You know him?"

"I do morning jogs every now and then with him."

"Holy! Ok, never mind. Anyway, I hope he didn't say anything bad. Anyway, thanks for the match. Let's talk some time again."

"If you are willing to spend time with my lowly existence, then I most thank you for the offer."

"See ya."

"See you soon." With that, the girl turned to her captain. Her captain nodded and then waved her hand. "Well, we're done for today. Dismissed."

Time Skip

It was two days before the rank wars second round and Miketsu was on her way back home from a trip to the library and grocery store. She saw Osamu, walking in a daze, mulling over something. His state of being was what Miketsu considered worrisome.

"Are you alright Mikumo-senpai?" He briefly glanced up at the girl. "Miketsu-san? Sorry if I worried you." He then sighed deeply. Seeing this, the girl slowly walked closer to Osamu. "Although my lowly existence may not be worthy of a small word of advice, I would like to be able to offer a few suggestions. I'm assuming this is about the rank wars."

"If you're okay with it, that really helps. Thank you. I'm surprised you could tell though." As he said those words, the 2 walked towards a spot on the grass by the riverside.

"Sometimes, thinking to much, or not enough is the cause of confusion. Regardless, I think your case is neither. Sometimes, the amount of information taken into consideration isn't the problem, but the order. This is nothing more than an assumption, but I believe that it is possible that you are thinking to much on how to counter your opponents strong points, and not focusing enough on her to utilize your own teams strengths. Perhaps visualizing favorable scenarios for your team, then considering how to manipulate your opponents into moving in your favor. However, this is only a suggestion of someone of my low caliber."

"That might be a fresh take to my thought process. Thanks for the suggestion. Also, please don't put yourself down." He smiled slightly and then stood up. He bowed once and then said "See you soon."

"See you soon."

Time Skip

Osamu's P.O.V

As we played on the grass for a breather from the training and planning, it finally hit me. Miketsu-san's advice was a really great help. I finally constructed a plan for tomorrow's match.

Time Skip

3'rd Person P.O.V

"As expected, we didn't really need a plan with the lower group. With your skills and my operating abilities, the next match will probably be a breeze. Now that we are in the middle group, why don't we construct a plan. Tomorrow might be a good day. Good work, and dismissed."

"I'm sure it is mainly your operating abilities. My skill set is clearly not suited for battle. Also, good work to you, and understood."

Published: 3/25/2021

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