Chapter 29- She's A Rebel

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Ryland's POV

Dani and I were backstage, I was kind of supposed to be helping set up, but Dani convinced me to stay with her. We were goofing off and probably causing trouble, but I didn't even care. That's the thing about Dani, she makes me feel so alive.

Stormie's POV

We called a family meeting, with out Ryland and Dani. They were somewhere backstage doing who knows what. As everyone gathered around in the bus, we got everyone's attention. (Everyone- Ross, Rocky, Rydel, Riker, Juliet, Ellington, Amanda, Mark, and I) Big group, huh?

"Okay guys, you probably all ready know why we called you to the bus. But we wanted to know how you felt about Ryland and Dani. So, how do you feel?"

"Okay, so I know my cousin's a trouble maker, so I know how you feel. And Ryland's such a sweet kid, or teenager, I don't want Dani to mess him up," Juliet spoke first.

"I agree, Ryland's changed since he met Dani," Riker said, speaking for his baby brother.

"So we're all on the same page," I asked, there were various yes', "Then me and your father, or Mr. Lynch, will talk to him."

Everyone else headed to the back of the bus, except Mark and I. I called Ryland and asked him is he could come to the bus alone, just him, not Dani.

He came after a few minutes, of us waiting.

"Did you wanna talk to me," Ryland asked us.

"Umm... yes. About Dani-," Mark started to talk.

"Isn't she amazing," Ryland said. I almost feel bad for breaking them up.

"Ryland, that's not the point," I told him.

"Then what is the point...?"

"We don't think she's a good influence."

"What do you mean," Ryland asked starting to get mad.

"We think you 2 should break up."

"No, that's not happening."

"Ryland Lynch, we are your parents and we know whats best for you," Mark yelled.

"No! I love her! And I'm not break up with her!"

After he said that, he stormed off the bus. Everyone quicky emerged from the back of the bus.

"So what was-," Riker started to say, but he got cut off.

"I'm here," Grace said, dramatically entering the bus.

"Grace," Rocky shouted, in happiness.

"Rocky," she shouted back.

"Wait... where'e Zo-," Ross got cut off.

"Wow, what's his problem? Ryland seemed a bit mad, down the street," Zoey said entering the bus.

"Zoey," Ross shouted... again, in happiness.

"Haha, hi Ross," she said standing on her tippy-toes to kiss Ross's cheak.

"Wait, about Ryland. You said he was down the street," Riker asked. Grace and Zoey nodded.

"Was he alone?"

"No, he was with Dani," Grace said, like she was disgusted.

I looked to Mark. Mark looked to Riker. Riker looked to Juliet. Juliet looked to Rydel. Rydel looked to Amanda. Amanda looked to Elington. Ellington looked to Rocky. So we were all looking at someone in the room, and in a matter of seconds by looking at eachother we knew what was going on.

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