What do I do now!?

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~Chanyeol's P.O.V~

It was only my second period then and I have Math with Luhan so I talked to him about JiHyun and showed him the note.

"What the heck. Is she serious? What are you going to do?"

"I really don't know yet. I really like Cerena. I'm just going to make a deal with her."

"What deal do you have in mind??" Luhan said with a curious face.

"I'm still going to be her friend but just can't talk to her as much in school but I'll still hangout with her outside of school as long as JiHyun doesn't see us. And I'll lie to her saying I won't be her friend anymore and I will stop talking and hanging out with Cerena. But hopefully this will only be temporary. I'm doing this because I want to protect her and make sure she doesn't get hurt."

"That's a good idea but shouldn't you tell Cerena later then so she won't think things?"

"Yeah true I will after school."

Then class started and then came 3rd period, English, which nothing really happened so let's skip onto lunch.


I waited and waited for 10 minutes for JiHyun. And she still isn't here yet. Where is she? I don't even want to look for her. *sighs* I then got hungry so I got a bag of chips and soda from the vending machine. And right when I was about the grab my can of sprite someone grabbed it.

"Yah. I payed for that."

Right when I saw the person's face it was JiHyun. Ugh.

"Hello Chanyeol. Did you make up your mind yet?" She said while opening my can of sprite and grabbed my bag of chips.

"Yes I did." She took a sip then spoke.

"It better be the right choice."

I grabbed my chips back. And payed for a can of root beer now. Right when I grabbed them I told her my answer.

"Okay. One. I'm not afraid for you. You don't scare me and your not the boss of me. You can't tell me who to hang around with and who not to hang around with. Two. I'm still going to hangout and stay by Cerena. She means so much to me and you aren't going to take her away from me. I don't care how many obstacles I have to go through and how many risks I have to take to watch and protect her. Three. And if you hurt her one more time. I won't go easy on you. I will fight back."

I then turned around and went back to the cafeteria to meet up with the others. Right when I turned back around to see her face. Her face was down and she was frozen.

I made it back to the cafeteria with 15 more minutes for lunch time. So I get to eat now. Yay. I got kimchi and went to Sehun, Luhan, Kim, Nina, and Cerena.

"Yah Chanyeol-ah. Where were you??" Luhan said.

"I was just talking to J- someone about homework. For one of my classes." I didn't want to tell about my conversation with JiHyun just yet because I don't want them to worry and I don't want to scare Cerena.

"Oh okay. Well we are all planning to go to the dance studio later. Want to tag along.?" Sehun said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Of course I'll tag along." I sat down besides Cerena and then looked at the person that was then behind Nina in a distance which was JiHyun. Ugh.

"Yay.! I'm not good at dancing tho." Cerena said while scratching the back of her head shy.

"That's okay. I'll teach you." Sehun offered.

"No no I'll teach her." I said.

"Nina do you dance.? Maybe I could teach you then." Luhan said to Nina but then after he looked at Cerena. Hm. I should ask him what he's up to. So the bell rang and I walked Cerena to her 5th period. And then went with Luhan to PE but while I was changing into my PE clothes I asked Luhan.

"Yah. Luhan-Ah. What are you up to?"

"What do you mean?" He said tilting his head.

"Looking at Cerena?"

"Oh joesonghabnida Chanyeol-ah. It's a huge misunderstanding. She's helping me with my proposal."

"Proposal? What proposal?"

"I didn't tell you. Oops joesonghabnida. I'm asking Nina out. Cerena is helping me. And so is Sehun. Joesonghabnida I forgot to tell you."

"It's okay. What's the plan?" I leaned in to his ear.

He leaned back to my ear and told me the plan.

"The plan is..."


Hi Everyone. I am so so so sorry I haven't updated in so many months. I was stuck with school and had to get everything back to order. I'm really sorry. ;; but here the new chapter. I hope you guys enjoy.! Sorry for such a short chapter also. ;-;

{ Created suspense }

What is the plan Luhan is planning for Nina? c;



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