BTS as Bad Texts

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- Background= You and he have been best friends for ten years, brother and sister/brother for four of them. In this convo, he starts developing a conversation with your ex and your ex convinces him it was you the one who treated him horribly and lied during the relationship. Jin believes him and isn't happy about what he thinks is the "real you". Your ex treated you like a rag-doll, throwing you around as he wished and only went to you when he needed something from you.

Jinnie: Hey
Jinnie: We need to talk
Jinnie: I feel like we haven't been getting along lately, ever since I started my friendship with your ex
Jinnie: I think it's better if we just... took a break from all this, don't you think?
Jinnie: It doesn't mean I won't be your friend anymore
Jinnie: But this treating each other like a sibling is kinda weird to me
Jinnie: even if it has gone on for years
Jinnie: It's just different now
Jinnie: K. That was about it
Jinnie: I hope you understand, Y/N
Jinnie: Gnight.


- Background= Yoongi is your ex-best friend. It's basically the same scenario that was going on with jin but he was never your boyfriend and it is told from your "ex"s perspective.

Min Yoongi: Hey, Y/N
Min Yoongi: I heard you and BFF/N sorta broke up? If that's what you'd call it
Min Yoongi: Anyways
Min Yoongi: I know you might still hate me for what I did
Min Yoongi: And as I have said multiple times before, it hurt me too
Min Yoongi: at first I was jealous that he got you
Min Yoongi: but now I'm actually sort of relieved
Min Yoongi: sucks to be the one losing, doesn't it, darling?
Min Yoongi: Wish you a miserable rest of the year, Y/N


- Background= He has to leave the country during your senior year, everyone knew except you. You are in love with him and he is in love with you too (he makes the decision to move because he doesn't know about your feelings, cause let's face it, Hobi would never do something bad on purpose) but neither of you know. He is your "best friend".

Sunshine: So Jungkook told me you now know
Sunshine: I really wanted to tell you, Y/N-ah
Sunshine: But it never seemed like the right time to
Sunshine: I guess you also know I'm leaving tonight for London
Sunshine: It's far away from here, but it's also nice and the weather is cooler
Sunshine: I promise I'll still think about you every single day
Sunshine: But before I go, I want you to know something
Sunshine: I've always been in love with you, star
Sunshine: I have to go now
Sunshine: I love you


- Background= He caught your partner cheating on you with your best friend. Here's the after math when he decides to tell you the truth.

Namjoon (Biology): Hey, Y/N
Namjoon (Biology): So I know we don't really talk, I mean, only during projects and the like
Namjoon (Biology): And that I'm just "a guy from your Bio class" but uhh
Namjoon (Biology): I saw P/N (partner name) with BFF/N yesterday
Namjoon (Biology): and I think you're a cool and sweet girl and you deserve to know this, so here goes nothing
Namjoon (Biology): Please sit down before you continue to read, you might even want to get a glass of water
Namjoon (Biology): P/N and BFF/N were french kissing next to the ferris wheel at the park
Namjoon (Biology): not once but twice
Namjoon (Biology): I'm sorry you had to find out through me, but I just didn't want him to treat you as if nothing happened
Namjoon (Biology): Because I believe we all deserve to know the truth
Namjoon (Biology): I'll just leave you to think right now, text me if you need anything, I'll be more than glad to help you


- Background= He tells you he's gay and dating one of your enemies while also dating you. You are a woman [if you already are, then great, if not, let's just pretend, kay kay? :)].

Mochiii: darling
Mochiii: we need to talk about something
Mochiii: I can't be with you anymore. I'm so sorry
Mochiii: I know it's sudden, it's only been four months, but I can't do this to you
Mochiii: So, two months into our relationship, I had a "guys night-out" with... well, Jeon Jungkook
Mochiii: You know he's gay and all, but I thought everything was okay until he kissed me
Mochiii: Trust me, I've never felt so guilty, it was like I was cheating on you even if I did push him away
Mochiii: but thinking about it more into detail
Mochiii: it made me understand what I like and want
Mochiii: and you are sweet, and fragile, and smart, and I'll always be here for you, but...
Mochiii: I can't believe I'm doing this
Mochiii: ... I'm gay
Mochiii: It kind of explains why I thought of you more of a little sister than a girlfriend
Mochiii: I'm still your best friend
Mochiii: Nothing has to change, and I know you dislike Jungkookie, but he is really good to me
Mochiii: I hope u understand


- Background= He doesn't want to leave you behind while pursuing his career as a model/actor, but you insist on him following his dreams, even if that means leaving you alone.

Taeddybear: I've decided
Taeddybear: I'm leaving for Seoul tomorrow
Taeddybear: Manager-nim said they have a great market there, that I might be loved by the crowds
Taeddybear: Why are you doing this?
Taeddybear: Maybe one day we'll meet again
Taeddybear: You'll walk right by me, holding a little boy's hand
Taeddybear: But then I'll stop you there
Taeddybear: We'll talk in the small coffee shop nearby
Taeddybear: I'll get to know the little one
Taeddybear: Turns out you got married four years after I left and had a baby two years after that
Taeddybear: when his eyelids droop, you'll excuse yourself because he needs to go to bed
Taeddybear: Then you'll leave to your perfect home, with your perfect husband and child, back to your perfect life
Taeddybear: and I'll forever wish that that little boy were mine. That the arms holding you at night were mine. That the one you came home to every evening was I
Taeddybear: I'll just have to go back to missing you, wishing you and your family a happy ending
Taeddybear: I'll always love you...


- Background= He's your asshole step-brother and he hates you. Not your mother, not your dog, not your step-father. You.

MiniJeon: I'm surprised you can even keep up with our new homeschooling system.
MiniJeon: And just when I thought a brainless, useless, pretty one like you couldn't even count to ten, you surprised me yet again
MiniJeon: Mother and father are leaving on a business trip again today
MiniJeon: I just hope it's short
MiniJeon: I wouldn't want to spend more time than needed with such a slutty, stupid person
MiniJeon: Seriously. Your mother isn't like that, where did you learn how to dress up in revealing clothes and provoking makeup?
MiniJeon: Imagine how embarrassing it'd be to call you my blood sister
MiniJeon: Anyways
MiniJeon: I'll be at a party, if you need anything, for Christ's sake, don't even text me

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