Meeting his bf

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Grayson pov
"How far is Emma?" I asked Ethan, since were filming our video for today we can't delay it and end up not having enough time. We're still waiting for James and Emma who are taking forever.

"She said she was close, about 5-10 minutes. How about James?" Ethan replied

"James said he left 20 minutes ago but knowing him he probably stopped for Starbucks." I said as I rolled my eyes but laughed at the same time.

"He's bringing a friend isn't he?, didn't tell us who but he said it was a MUST that we meet the person." Ethan questions as he finishes his pizza.

James' pov
We just finished filming Emma's video and we were talking about when to film the twins' video. Grayson suggested 3 days from now. I wanted to tell them something important but I didn't know how.
"Um guys.." I started
"Ah shit! We got to go, our mom is coming to visit and she is too early and arrived already." Ethan said.
"Did you say something James?" Grayson asked, "ah no, go go, tell mama Dolan hi for me." I said.
Sigh... I'll tell them next time then. Maybe I'll bring him.
~ end of flashback~

"He's been weird lately." I told my brother, he looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't know what you mean, but James is James, what do you mean he's been weird?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know. He'd always like cling and flirt with me, but he seems so distant now. He hasn't even texted me for the past 2 days until this morning.. I don't know, I should ask if he's okay later." I told him, I was genuinely worried because James has seemed so distant lately.

"Oh gosh Gray, you sound like you're lonely without James clinging on you. You sound like you like him." Ethan said as he laughed.

"WHa" I was going to deny liking James but the he heard knocking and shouted he was coming, then he comes back with Emma.

"heeeyyyy" she said, Ethan hugs her, and I get up to hug her as well.

"You guys would NOT believe who and what I just saw." She said

"What?" Ethan and I asked together

"JAMES! talking and hugging a new dude outside! He didn't see me though. He may be the 'friend' he wants us to meet." Emma screamed.

"He could just be a friend. Don't jump into conclusions." I said as if I was offended. What am I saying.

"Jeez- ok" Emma said sarcastically.

"What's ur problem? Why are you acting as if it's a bad thing. Maybe James found a guy that he likes." Ethan lectures, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm honestly at lost. But more importantly, who's the guy? Ah shit.

"Ya, sorry em. My bad." I apologized and she nodded her head suggesting it was fine.

Few seconds after I hear a knock on the door. I rush to the door to confirm who the guy was, assuming James was at the door. I swung the door open to find James holding hands with a dude slightly taller than him but slightly shorter than me.

"Hi. Who's that" I asked as I pointed at the guy.
"Hello to you too gray, may we come in?" James asked in the tone hinting I was being rude.

"Sorry, yeah come in." I said as I walked away and joining with Ethan and Emma.

Few minutes later , James stood in front of the three of us with the guy right beside him. The longer I look at them the more irritated I'm getting.

"So guys. This is my boyfriend. His name is Landon." James says as he takes the dudes hand.

While Emma and Ethan congratulate James, I decided to let out my frustration and be a bitch.

"So why is he here? First you were late and now you're taking time for yourself and went ahead, without our permission, to bring your boyfriend for what? To stick around him? If you want to hang with him then tell us! yOU DONT NEED TO BE IN THIS VIDEO." I yelled. What. The. Fuck. Did. I . Just. Say. I just took out my frustration on James. What the hell.

"GRAYSON What the hell!!?" Ethan shouts.

"Shi- I'm so sorr" I was going to apologize until the new dude talks.

"What's your problem? He just wanted me to meet you guys before telling everyone else. He prioritized you guys, and that's how you treat him? Incredible. You're an asshole." He said, I was going to apologize. Never mind, screw this guy. Who does he think he is? I was going to swing at him without hesitation but I saw James with tears down his cheeks.

I unclenched my hand and walked forward to him, I held his face up and and looked at him with a concerned face. Oh man, sorry James.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Don't cry. You're going to ruin your sister snatched nose contour. Or is it waterproof?" I added to lighten up the mood.

It didn't work James wouldn't speak. The new guy put his hand on James' shoulder and I got even more irritated. I grabbed James' wrist and pulled him away from the new guy and I grabbed the keys for my Car on the way to the door. I pulled James out the house and asked him to get in the car and he complies.

We've been driving for the longest time but he still wasn't speaking. But he did stop crying so that's something.

"I'm really sorry James." I said. I was going to say something else but he started talking.

"Did I do something wrong? Why were you so mad?" He asked almost whispering.

" I- I'm not sure. But no you didn't do anything wrong. You've been so distant with me, and I just got irritated when you brought that guy." I said, almost embarrassed.

"Why? You don't even know him." James said defensively.

"Because. I don't know. I was just annoyed." I said, "let's go back, before it gets dark." I suggested. He nodded his head while looking out the window.

We got back to my house and found Emma, Ethan and the new guy waiting where they were before. "Sorry" I said. I looked at the new guy, "James is waiting outside, you should leave." I said. He walked out without saying a word. A minute later, Emma said she wasn't in the mood anymore and left.

"Gray." Ethan called.

"Yeah, I know." I said in a low voice.

"Are you sure you understand!?" Ethan raising his voice a bit. Getting me annoyed.

"YEAH I SAID I DID! WHAT ME TO Say IT ALOUD? YES, I LIKE JAMES!" I yelled back, I was mad, I was confused but most importantly, I was glad because I finally knew what I wanted.

"What- wait huh?" Ethan asked shocked.

"I thought that was what you were going to say. I thought you noticed it or something." I asked confused.

"No I was going to say you were a jerk. But damn. I didn't expect your answer." Ethan said.

"Yeah me neither." I said as I fell on the sofa and hid my embarrassed face.

What May have been (Grayson x James)Where stories live. Discover now