A cycle of psycho Exes

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"Ally?" Grayson asked himself quietly,

"Yea, you know her?" Ian asked confused about his question.

Grayson debated in his mind whether to tell Ian or not, he doesn't know whether Ian will believe him or not.

Fuck it, he thought; "Ian.."

Ian looked away from his phone and faced Grayson, "yeah?"

"You were right..... I-i do or did know Ally.." He started,

"that's great!" Ian responded excitedly,

"But, it isn't.. Well you see.. Ally and I had a thing" He confessed looking at Ian.

"So you guys had a thing? Are you joking?" Ian asked with a scoff.

"No, when James left I tried-" Grayson began

"Here, I thought you were desperately waiting for him to come back!" Ian scoffed, Grayson noticed Ian getting agitated.

"Calm down, it was 5 years. Did you expect me to be a faithful dog to someone I didn't even know was going to come back?" Grayson was becoming a little defensive,

"I am really disappointed in you Grayson, I really thought you loved James.. That's part of the reason I brought him back remember!?" He whispered angrily.

"I know- " Grayson sighed, "but" he added.

"What do you mean?" a voice asked softly.

Grayson and Ian both turned to the figure standing by the doorway.

"James.." they both said with a sigh.

"What do you mean Grayson loved me?" James asked sharply

"James, listen.." Grayson started,

"as best friends of course!" Ian interrupted.

"Ian, I lost my memory, I didn't become stupid in the process.." James glared at Ian which caused Ian to flinch and sigh.

"I loved you. i-I still love you after all these years." Grayson confessed walking up to James.

"What do you-"James began, "argh-ugh, arghhh" james screamed holding his head and collapsed on the floor.


James' POV

"Mes, James, James!" I hear someone calling out to me.

"yes?" I asked while trying to open my eyes.

"hey.." the person said as he hugged me.. tightly.

I open my eyes and see Grayson tearing up, along with Ian on the other side of the bed sleeping. Emma and Ethan were on the bench across my room.

"hi," I smiled at Grayson.

"I love you. I really really do." Grayson said as he wouldn't let the hug go.

"Do you?" I asked, "then tell me about it." I smiled.

After Grayson told me about the past and reading my own journal entries, I was overwhelmed but it felt like a huge cloud was lifted from my mind.

"Listen, Grayson, I know you waited for me but all of this...is too much to take on for one day," I told him.

"It's okay, I'll keep waiting. Until you're ready with an answer, whatever the answer may be.. I'll be by your side as your best friend, we all will." he said glancing at Emma and Ethan

I couldn't say anything, he was being sincere. I understand why I fell in love with him before.. I just smiled at what he had said. I was too tired, I drifted back to sleep.

What May have been (Grayson x James)Where stories live. Discover now