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Grayson's PoV

What the hell? Why in the fuck would I say and announce something like that out loud, in front of people? What am I? The male protagonist in a romantic movie? I mean I wish but this is reality.

Oh ho ho ho the regret is creeping in

I know for a fact after all of this, Ethan is gonna mock me non stop..

Not to mention, what if James hates me? My whole speech will back fire, good job Grayson.


what in your right mind influence you to say something like that..

As I was deep in thought I heard a car pull up in the driveway,

Fuck. No no no no no. Fuck not ready, I'm not ready.

"Well, lets go." Emma said.

"Let's go Gray! You have to win James back, right?" Ethan teased, oh I'm annoyed. I REALLY shouldn't have announced that out loud. Emma laughed at Ethan's remark which got me even more heated.

"Please shut up" I told them as I head back to the living room to wait for James and Ian. Seconds after they tailed behind me and placed themselves on the sofa, we were all nervous at what James would say when that door opens.

Not a minute later after I said the doorknob turned, all three of us stiffened up and watched the knob completely turn and the door to be open.

We saw James holding a few bags trying to get his keys off the keyhole, he hasn't noticed us yet maybe because he hasn't looked up yet, hopefully he's okay with us being here.. Ian wouldn't bring him here while we were here, if James had any problem of it.

I stood up and walked to James,

"let me help you" I offered with a smile.

"AHHH," he screamed, he screamed LOUD, "IAN, the stalker from the other day is INSIDE the house!" He screamed, slowly backing away.

"STALKER?!" I asked James, he's been back for a couple of days and he attracted stalkers already? I looked behind me but it was just Ethan and Emma.

"He's talking about you idiot." Ethan announced.

Me. A stalker? Never!

"Wait James, I'm not stalking you, I just waited 5 years for you now that you're back I thought it would be good if I waited inside your house until you came so I can see you." I tried to explain frantically. I felt Ethan and Emma giggle and face palm their faces because of my explanation.

"Good job, genius." Emma whispered as she giggles with her idiot boyfriend.

Before trying to explain further I shoot both of them a glare to try and shut them up a bit, it didn't work.

"Get out of our house all of you!" James shouted.

"Woah woah woah, James it's okay. They we're our friends before." Ian intervened.

"Yeah, we're going to re-introduce ourselves.." I added. James thought about it for a bit and headed inside.

"I thought you were going to explain to him BEFOREHAND." I told Ian, "I was called stalker you know!" I added.

"Sorry,Sorry." Ian apologized, brushing it off, he closed the door and pulled me to the side.

"Why'd you close the door?" I asked,

"So no one inside can hear." He replied.

"What?" I was genuinely confused.

"This is a reminder for you. This is exclusively just friendship. Don't try and make him like you again. You're going to overwhelm him. Do you understand, Gray? None of that." Ian lectured, I thought of that already..

I nodded my head and headed inside.

We're just friends..

For now.

What May have been (Grayson x James)Where stories live. Discover now