2 years ago...

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A trip to Starbucks led to meeting the love of my life and finding out he doesn't know who I am. That has been the shock of my life, I don't know whether to be excited, relieved, sad or guilty. Either way, James is back. He is here. I saw him for the first time in 5 years.

After talking to Ian, Emma and I wasted no time and went back home to pick up Ethan.

"ETHAN!ETHAN!" I shouted as I crashed through my front door with Emma tailing me.

"ETHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!" I screamed as I slammed his door open.

"WHAT!?" He asked looking ultimately, very likely, highly likely annoyed of me.

"well you see- Jam... Jame... James...." I said stuttering, I just realized I made a fool of myself in front of James, it was practically our first meeting and I was like a creepy stalker who wouldn't let him leave.

Oh no no no no no.

I put my hands on my head and fell back on Ethan's bed, I want to sink in the Earth right now. Oh gosh, oh no. Why do I not think things through?

"What?" Ethan asks a bit more curious, he sees me suffering and he gets interested. I wish he did that for my well being but he's just curious because it gives him entertainment.

"We saw James.." Emma started,

"REALLY? HES BACK??" Ethan screamed,

"Yes- no- yes- not really," Emma answered. I looked at Ethan's face and it screamed confusion more than usual.

"He doesn't remember us..." Emma finally said.

"What? What do you mean?" Ethan asked

"Uh- exactly that." Emma continued.

"We're going to James place, to meet Ian. He'll tell us what happened." Emma explained to Ethan.

"Well lets go then. Right now." Ethan suggested.

Ethan's pov

We arrive at Ian's and James' house, honestly, I'm glad James came back Grayson was really affected when he left. I mean we all were but Grayson mostly, especially when he realized his feelings. I felt horrible about it, mainly because I couldn't do anything to cheer him up at all. I introduced him to Ally but it didn't end well. Grayson hasn't been the same since James left, to be completely honest none of us were the same.

I knocked at the door and Ian opened it a few seconds after my second knock, and he gestured for us to come in.

"Hey guys, long time no see.." He said as he sat on the sofa facing us.

a chorus of 'heys' from all of us followed after,

"You said you'll tell us what happened.." Grayson brought up, it was obvious he was in no mood to be wasting time. Neither were Emma and me, we wanted to know what had happened to James.

"Okay, as I said the accident with James happened around 2 years ago.. So 3 years after he had left. I was in contact with him and he had planned to come back after 3 years but he got into a car accident, well it was more of a hit and run situation and James WAS the target." Ian looked straight at us, I didn't know what to think. It was quiet until Grayson spoke out

"What do you mean? who was it?" Grayson questioned. He was mad, No he was angry. So was I but he cares for James more than anybody else. He loves him with all his heart.

"It was Landon." Ian told us,

What? Who? Landon?

"James' Ex?" Grayson said, I can hear his teeth grinding together.

"Yeah.. I can't help but be part responsible I was the one who introduced Landon to him. I remember Landon can get really violent, I don't know what happened between him and my brother but Landon was teased about getting dumped by James. He kept bothering me about James' location, like Grayson has been. I never told anybody anything because James wanted it like that.. I never would've guessed Landon would find him, and I definitely wouldn't have guessed he'd hurt James. He found James and probably stalked him a few days until he found a perfect chance to take revenge. He purposely crashed into James' car. He tried to run but police caught him a day or two after. James was in a coma for a week, and then when he woke up he didn't remember anything, the doctor said it might be temporary but he spent at least 6 months in the hospital trying to rehabilitate but his memories didn't come back." Ian explained,

"oh my god.." Emma exclaimed, she said it for us, we couldn't believe what he was telling us..

"Yeah, after James got accustomed to being out of the hospital, I convinced my parent to let James stay with me again, maybe just maybe he'll remember himself with a little help from you guys." Ian said as he gave us a little smile.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Grayson asked with his head down.

"My parents forbade it. They wanted to keep James' wishes at hand." Ian answered.

"Still. Still. I deserved to know, James.. james.. he's.. the only one.. still.. I deserved to know." Grayson whispered.

"Deserved? No offence gray, but James' has loved you for the longest time. And you couldn't bat an eye on him." Ian told him straight forwardly.

"And honestly," Ian continued, "its your fault this happened, it was me, you and Landon who caused it."

I was going to intervened.

"I know." I hear Grayson say as he swallow a tear back.

Sorry for the delay guys!!
Trying my hardest!
Thanks for reading!
And btw, happy holidays and happy new year!

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