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Grayson's PoV
"Heyyy James" Emma and Ethan said together.
"Uh-? Hi? What's going on?" James asked a little confused and a little hint of amusement.

"Well you see, I left my phone somewhere in your house..." Ethan began.

"Can you help us look for it?" Emma added.

James watched them pass by him as they let themselves in, then turned his head to look at me.

"Uh..hi?" I questioned not knowing how to speak to him, what to say, Hell I think I forgot how to talk.

"Hi," James smiled at me, for a second I lost all control and reached my hand out, gave into the voice telling me to reach for his face and hold his cheeks. For a second I just want to lean in and kiss him, kiss him to make up for the 5 years I've had to endure just waiting for him.

But it was just for a second.

Once I regained control over my thoughts and actions, I stopped my hand and played it off as trying to shake his hand.

"Aha. Um. Shake hands with me?" I asked, embarrassed I used my other hand to hide my face that screamed; EMBARRASSED.

"Oh- is this a thing we do? Shake hands?" James asked genuinely as he held my hand.

Again. Damn it. Again.

Just for a second my hand squeezed his.

Just for a second.

"No. We usually just hug. But I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, it takes some getting used to." I told him as I let go of his hand.

James gestured for me to come in, I walk inside and close the door behind me.

"Uh- James I need to use the washroom," I told him.

"Oh okay I'll show you where it is."

"NO!-..." Emma, Ethan and I screamed all at once, I froze up for a second then glared at both Emma and Ethan which they returned back at me and each other.

James looked at all three of us, a little scared, a little confused and little bit- well, sister shook.

"I've been here before, remember? I know the place pretty well..." I told him,

"I also want to find his phone quickly, so the more people the better..." Emma added,

"Besides, I want to speak with you some more, so stay. Grayson can't hog you all to himself." Ethan finished.

I gave Ethan a look because what he said was a little too obvious.

I make my way to his bedroom, I look inside his room and spot the laptop on his bed. Once I turned the device on, I find out it's locked.


So I did lock it.

"Forget something?" I look up and see Ian standing by the doorway.


"Do you know how majorly you could've screwed up?" He asked getting closer

"I know. That's why I came back. I'm sorry." I sighed.

"God. Grayson. I sympathize with you, I saw how you dreaded everyday for the past 5 years because of James. I brought him back not only for himself and me. I brought him back for you guys." He explained.


"Don't screw up again. seriously." He finished.


"I gotta get this" he said as he looked at his phone and smiled, I smirked at him because it brings back memories from when he and Loren Grey were together.

He fell apart when they broke up, I'm glad he's back in the game...

"So? Who's the lucky girl?" I teased but eagerly waited for his answer.

"Ah man. This girl."

"Her name is?" I asked as I let out a chuckle seeing him so embarrassed, he looks like me when I see James.

"She's a youtuber too... she has a small account, I don't know if you've ever heard of her, I saw her on my suggest page.. I don't know why but she had no common subscription or anything with me. We started talking, she told me how YouTube deleted some of her videos because people reported it or something." He rumbled on and on.

"Dude, what's her name?" I asked chuckling

"Oh, her name is Ally."

what? Ally? Small YouTuber?


My ex? my ex ally? The obsessive, video bashing ally?

A/N note
Been a long time coming! Sorry for the delay! Love you💘 more updates soon times.

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