His pinkity drinkity

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE KINGS! Grayson and Ethan Dolan! We all love you two!
- Grayson's pov -
~ 5 years later ~

Five years have passed, and I haven't heard the slightest news about James. I can't help but worry. Is he okay? how is he? I was always in contact with Ian, to bother him about updates on James, I never got any useful ones. I stopped bugging him around 2 years ago.

I've tried to move on, with a girl named Ally but it didn't work out. Ally and I were 'together' for 2-3 months. She's hell bent on 'exposing' me for screwing her over. I couldn't blame her, in her defence I did screw her over. I was with her yet I still love James.

Ethan and Emma were still going strong, they've had arguments here and there and I became their personal couple therapist. Why? I don't know, here I was waiting for the guy I like who ran away from me when I told him I loved him. His YouTube became inactive and his fans had an outburst. Like me, they've always been waiting for him. At least I'm not alone in the wait.

Its Tuesday morning and Ethan is working on the video and Emma is over, Emma got bored and asked if I wanted to go to Starbucks. I wasn't doing anything so I said yeah, before we left we asked Ethan if he wanted anything, he said no.

I get into Emma's car, and we drive off, we talked about useless things, and she brings up Ally.

"So, ally posted a video last night." Emma awkwardly brought up,

"Yeah, I seen. I got a few hate comments but she got a plenty more." I said, it was guilt tripping me that my fans would hate on someone but I couldn't help but be happy because I have people who will stand up for me. I don't condone negativity though.

"I can't believe you'd break up with her though. So you're still In love with him aren't you?" Emma asked, I panicked a little.

"Yeah. I am. How'd you know?" I asked her.

"Last time you got wasted, you cried to Ethan and I about James, and why he could leave just like that." Emma chuckled a little. Emma parked her car and we get off.

"James is special." I told her, spacing out.

"What will you do if he comes back with someone else or have no feelings for you?" Emma asks as she enters and hold the door for me.
"I'm well prepared for the worse. I wasn't expecting him to jump into my arms WHEN he comes back." I say, emphasizing on the word when rather than using the word 'if'. James said he'll come back and I believe he will.

He has to.

Emma and I find seats as we figure out what to get. We were looking at the tv that showed the menu. Emma was talking but I wasn't listening. I was spacing out until I heard an employee call out a specific drink.

"PINKITY DRINKI- (she shouts) OH shit(whispers) . I mean Strawberry ac-.." the employee shouts. Must be a fan I guess. Been a while since I heard someone say 'pinkity drinkity' I get in line.

"Oh- here!" Someone speaks up as I was going to have my order taken. Wait. I know that voice. I whipped my head to the direction of where the voice came from.

I asked the employee who gave the pinkity drinkity out where the person, who ordered the drink, was.

"He left.....?" She said, a bit confused.

HE!? it can't be. But I want it to be, I need it to be him!

I ran out the doors and looked around, I heard Emma call out to me but stopping to explain wasn't an option.

Once I got out the doors, I expected to see someone holding a pink drink who looks exactly like James Charles, why? Because it was him. I expected it. But I guess I expected too much. I couldn't even find the person who ordered it. Maybe I'll pass by the old house later.

I spaced out and I guess I was blocking the doors because at least 3 people had said excuse me already. So I sat at the side, out of the way, and put my head down.

"Excuse me...?" Someone awkwardly ask.

"I'm out of the way," I said with my head down "why are you disturbing me?" I continued as I raised my head up.

What I saw after nearly killed me with joy. He was holding a pinkity drinkity. He was stretching out a small towel,

"Oh- ah sorry, I thought you were really hot. I mean I thought the weather was getting to you." He explained as I take his offer and use the towel to wipe off my sweat.

I wasn't sure why he was acting distant or polite but he's here! JAMES IS BACK.

After I wipe my sweat, I stuff it in my back pocket and pulled him into a hug. I needed it. But he pulled back.

"A thank you would suffice." He said a bit scared.

"James? What are you talking about? Long time no see! Long time no talk! Long time- it's really been a long time..." I felt myself almost crying until Emma comes out and called me out.

"GRAYSON! why are you running off on your own?" She scolded. She hasn't noticed yet.

"Em-.." I start,

"What!?" She snarked, I gesture to notice the guy I was talking to, "omg. Omg. JAMES!" She screamed. She jumped on him and hugged him.

"Sorry, please get off." He said as he squirmed away from the hug.

"Sorry I gotta go," he looked at me, "I hope you're okay..." and he left. Just like that. He left.

"Wait!" I shouted, and he stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, " don't you know me? Remember me?" I asked.

What's going on? James said we'll still be friends. Why is he acting as if he didn't know me?

"Sorry I just moved here, and sorry I don't know you." He said feeling ashamed.

What? Are you starting a new life now? Why'd you even come back then?

"Don't fuck with me." I told him, "I waited 5 damn years, James" I screamed.

"I- I'm sorry," he stuttered and I can tell he was starting to tear up. Before I even got a chance to grab him and ask him to explain, he ran away.

I was going to run after him but someone called out to me.

"GRAYSON!" A familiar voice called.

I turn around and find it's his brother, Ian.

"Where is he? Where's James?" He asked out of breath. I don't know he ran away.

"I don't know he ran away." I told him.

"Oh okay. He's probably at the parking spot." Ian said as he sounded relieved.

"Oh okay. you didn't even tell me he was back. Why is he acting as if I'm a stranger." I asked, I was angry. No explanation can make it better.

Ian was quiet for a few seconds, I guess it's taking him a while to make some shit up or he was getting me ready for what he'll say because it can destroy me, some shit like he doesn't want to know me anymore.

"He- James, lost his memory. About 2 years ago.. I begged my parents to move him back here to make it easier for him to regain his memories. I was gonna talk to you guys, but it's been so hard to communicate lately." He said, "come by the house later, all three of you. I'll explain everything." He continued and walked off.

What? How? Questions filled my mind. How did he lose his memory?


Were you not okay?

Should have I stopped you from going?

Did I cause you even more pain?

What May have been (Grayson x James)Where stories live. Discover now